Chapter Forty - Seven

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I'm With You - Vance Joy || "And if you need a light I'll be the match to your candle. My darling, I'm ready, to burst into flames for you"

"So let me get this straight.. Bakugou hasn't told you he loved you?" Mina was laying down on the floor of my room skimming a magazine while the rest of the girls were spread out in other places. It was a regular weekend for us enjoying a lazy afternoon of gossip and music.

I watched as Momo's face twisted like she had just eaten a lemon from Mina's statement. She was never one for emotions and expressing them so I knew without looking at her face she was uncomfortable. Wishing I could blend in the wall I shifted on my bed as I responded.

"Yeah.." I sigh picking at some loose strings hanging off my blanket trying to ignore my own anxieties that were beginning to quickly boil up. I never liked being put on the spot.

"Wait.. have you all DTR'ed yet!?" Mina yelled now sitting up from my response. Everyone's eyes darted at each other's hoping someone knew what Mina was talking about.

"What in the world does that even mean?" Jiro said rolling her eyes as she lowered the magazine from her face.

"Jiro's right you know, these crazy
acronyms you read about in the magazines are news to us" Tsu said putting a finger to her chin.

"What the heck you guys! It means Define The Relationship ! DUH!" Mina was now standing flailing her arms around as we all sat stunned a bit. It was like I was hearing some foreign language for the first time as I felt my eyebrow raise.

"Like- have you all talked about being boyfriend girlfriend yet Ochaco!?" Mina yelled and though everyone judged her question earlier they all turned their attention to me abruptly waiting for my response.

Looking down at the ground I averted my eyes from theirs. Defined our relationship? I tried my best to think back to any instance where the topic came up, but was left empty handed.

"T-to be honest uh, no we haven't" I say feeling a bit embarrassed. Did I do something wrong, was I supposed to have asked Bakugou this a long time ago?

The way they stared at me was out of pure confusion. Even Momo raised an eyebrow at me. I've never been in this situation before so how was I supposed to know what to do.

"Ochaco! You can't just go around giving him his cake and letting him eat it too!?" Mina yelled as I cocked my head extremely confused by her phrasing as she continued.

"Tonight at the fireworks festival, that's the perfect opportunity for you to bring it up!" Mina yelled as the girls looked to her then back at me.

Momo scratched the back of her head as she cleared her throat, "It's really not a bad idea Ochaco, you should be able to have mature conversations if you all like each other-"

"WHICH THEY CLEARLY DO!" Mina interrupted squealing as she leaped onto the bed, "I still cannot believe you nabbed the second hottest guy at UA Ochaco and who would have thought you would pull the heart out of grumpy old Bakugou"

"Ribbit- well whose the hottest guy then?" Tsu said questioning as we all listened intently. Even Jiro looked over her magazine for the response.

"Todoroki of course!" Everyone giggles as Momo covered her face with a book. Mina rolled her eyes as she continued, "then of course Kirishima, but I'm being biased" as she leaned back curling her hair with her finger. We all knew she had a crush on him, she made it pretty common knowledge for us all not too long ago.

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