Chapter Forty - One

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Lost - Dermot Kennedy || "Are we destined to burn or will we last the night? I will hold you 'til I hold you right, but if only you could see yourself in my eyes you'd see you shine, you shine"


As we walking in strides through the city I felt myself growing more and more excited. Though I would never let these idiots know that. As I continued to walk I could feel All Might eye on me. It's as if he wanted to ask me something, but instead continued to stare. He was probably just worries about how Deku and I would work together.. hoping we don't tear each other apart.

I would be lying if I said I wasn't thrilled when he asked me to join in on the mission. I wasn't sure if it was only because I knew about Deku's secret - being All Mights successor - or because he actually wanted to give me recognition.. either way, a lot of great opportunities could come from being on missions with him. Plus I've been working harder than anyone else in our fucking class and deserved it.

Hearing my phone ping I looked down to see Ochaco's message. I smiled to myself as I put it back in my pocket. As much as I wanted to respond, I didn't want All Might to think I was wrapped up or not appreciative of this opportunity. Most importantly I didn't want the one person I look up to thinking I was some love-struck puppy waiting around my phone. I just hope I wasn't worrying her much... I'll find a good time when I'm alone to text her back, I wouldn't want her to stress too much.

We spent the whole morning completing stupid fucking missions and I felt myself growing frustrated. All we have done is charity work and helping out here and there... Is this all that wimp Deku did when he missed school? Just patrol? I wanted to fucking fight someone already.

"WHEN THE HELL ARE WE GOING TO FIGHT SOME REAL VILLAINS?" I yell as Deku and All Might whip their heads back. They acted surprised like I was speaking another language to them.

"Young Bakugou, we don't actively look for villains, we as heroes are here to protect and react when help is needed," All Might said profoundly as Deku stared up at him with these big goo goo eyes making me roll mine. He always had to get holier than thou and it pissed me off, but deep down it was the reason I idolized him so much. Deku and I both get the same love for All Might, the dork couldn't fake his well. All Might always had a smile on his face and no matter how bad things got, he always won with a smile.

Pushing past the two I stomp my way through the city. Hearing little feet patter beside me I turn to see that green haired wimp. Ugh- I just needed to get through today to show All Might I could handle it and if that meant ignoring Deku and not causing a scene then we were good. Deku walked beside me with a stupid smile on his face like he wanted to ask me something and I couldn't handle it anymore. "What are you smiling about loser!" He jolted throwing his hands up.

"O-oh nothing Katchan I - I uhm hows Ochaco?"

God, he was so fucking awkward. I ignored his remark as I continued walking aggressively behind All Might. Deku is one of my oldest friends, but to think I would even slightly open up to him about my feelings was a dilution of his. He never seemed to quit trying to be my friend which I guess I appreciated.

Thinking back to the night with Ochaco made my stomach flip. I was opening up more than I was comfortable with and it freaked me out. Now that I know it what I heard was a misunderstanding  everything was back to normal, but the hurt I was feeling before that was something I had never felt.

It was an indescribable betrayal and loss that physically hurt me. How would I be reacting if shit really hit the fan with us? Plus if any of the other guys in UA knew about this I would be finished... How was I supposed to look tough and superior to those losers if I was following angel face around all the time... Was I really ready to jump into a relationship? Or to really love someone?

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