Chapter Nine

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Do You Remember - Jarryd James || "Caught up in the way that you played my heart. Only love could ever hit this hard"

My eyes slowly opened as a ray of light beamed through my window. I laid there for a minute thinking about my night with Deku. I reminisced on the fun we had and the way his smile spread across his freckled face. Then I remembered the most important part of the night: when he told me he loved me. Even more important was his reasoning for loving me so much. I never lied to him... I rolled over feeling a pang in my stomach. Was I lying to him? I never really had been asked about the whole Bakugou thing, but I also was never asked about it either. So would that be considered lying?

I rubbed my eyes as I continued to lay there processing. I have never been in this situation before in my life and really didn't have anyone to talk to about it. None of the girls knew. The only other person who did was Bakugou, and maybe Kirishima at this point... Either way, I could feel myself become stressed out.

Looking up at my analog clock on my desktop wallpaper it read 6:45. I usually wasn't an early riser so I slowly pulled myself out of bed, stripped off my pajamas and threw on my robe trying my best to take advantage of it. Scuffing my way down the hallway to the showers I was careful not to make much noise. It was always so nice being the only one awake some mornings.

Feeling the cold water splash onto my shoulders, small bumps crept up my arms and back. I shivered as I leaned my head back allowing for the water to rinse through my short brown hair. Thinking about how I treated Bakugou in front of Deku made me a bit worried, I hope things were not too obvious.

I just need to keep him completely out of our conversations. We usually never talked about him before, so why would we start now. As I stepped out of the steaming shower, I reached out for my fluffy dry robe and pushed my arms through the sleeves, tying the waistband quick. Making my way back to the room I still didn't hear any movement. Maybe this means I will be able to sit and have some breakfast alone. I smiled with excitement as I pushed open my bedroom door. Better get dressed quick then.

Throwing my school uniform on in a hurry I began straightening my buttons and tie on my shirt. I strolled around my room as I fidgeted with the shirt eventually finishing as I stood in front of my window. The sun was still rising as I pushed open the window breathing in the fresh air. As the birds chirped their morning song I looked down to see a figure in all black running towards the dorms. Jumping back hiding behind my curtain I slowly popping my head back out. Who is that? It didn't look like a threat or anything.

The tall figure continued running before stopping in front of the dorms to do a few stretches. Their hood was up so I still couldn't figure it out. As the figure finished their stretch, they threw their arms behind their head leaning back. They stood for a minute before pulling the hoodie over their head exposing a dark tank top. As the hoodie pulled up over their head it exposed the blonde spiky hair I knew. Bakugou?!

At this point, I was so close to my window I could see my breath fog against the glass. I had no idea this is what he did in the mornings. Should I really be watching? What if he looked up? Continuing my gaze I watched as the sweat on his arms glistened from the rising sun, defining his already large muscles. Feeling my mouth drop I didn't even realize I was about to knock my water bottle onto the floor.

Bakugou ran his fingers through his flattening blonde hair then slowly removing his Bluetooth headphones from his ears. My body leaned forward more as the stainless steel water bottle slammed onto the ground. Bakugou's head shot up at my window as I dropped to the ground covering my mouth. Did he see me?! I hold my breath as if he was able to hear my thoughts from down there. Maybe I should just go downstairs...I crawl to my door too scared to stand up and get caught as I made my way downstairs. Once I was through my door I quickly jumped up to my feet straightening my skirt before strolling down the stairs. Looking around the kitchen I saw no signs of life and sighed. Thank god.

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