Chapter Fourteen

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True Love - Angels and Airways || "The light is the sign that love will guide you home."

"This ok?" I shrug my shoulders at Tsu who was at the edge of my bed. This was the fifth outfit I have tried on so I was losing momentum. Tsu's nose scrunched like she smelled something bad which caused me to laugh.

"Well, I have no idea then! I showed you everything I have!" I plop down on the couch directly across from my bed and stare at the ceiling. I was hopeless... but honestly, I've never even been on a date so how was I supposed to know what to wear.

"Hmmm- RIBBIT-" Tsu put her index finger to her chin and jumped up to her feet "I've got an idea, pull out that black skirt you had on earlier, I think I have something that may go with it!"

Before I could even respond Tsu was rushing out the door. What the heck.. I pull up the black skirt to my belly button and stand there waiting for her return.

It wasn't even minutes until Tsu pushed the door open holding up a light yellow sweater. "TADAAAA" she smiled big walking towards me still extending the shirt in the air. "This would look great!"

I smile looking down as she held the shirt up parallel to my shoulders to I could see what it would look like. I had to admit she did a good job. Throwing my shirt to the floor I grab hers and drop it over my head.

"This looks like it would work Tsu! THANK YOU THANK YOU!" Throwing my arms up I wrap them around her neck and shake her. I honestly couldn't have gotten ready without her. "No need to thank me! You look great, Deku is going to love it! Let's get some makeup on a cute pair of black heels and you'll be set to go!"

We spent the remainder of the time adding some finishing touches and giggling as we talked about how the night would go.

By 6:15 p.m. we were officially ready. I was growing more nervous and it was probably obvious because Tsu's head cocked as she gave me a half smile. "Everything is going to be alright, you all are going to have a great time" She rested her hand on my shoulder and it did make me feel a bit better.

"I know, its just a lot and I hope I don't mess this up-"

"How could you mess this up? Wait now I'm confused.."

"Oh u-uh. I don't know, I feel like I've always had a crush on Deku, but now it was actually happening and what if he realizes I'm not all that great?" I tried my best to avoid the discussion of Bakugou, it just wasn't the right moment to tell Tsu.

It was an ongoing struggle to find the right words to tell Tsu about him and I.. whatever that is- if it even is anything? "Ochaco everything is going to be fine! Just think of it like a night hanging out with him, you all have done that a bunch of times before- this time its just more romantic. It's all in your head, I promise you!"

I smile nodding my head. Was this really all in my head? Was I romanticizing Bakugou and me too much causing Deku and I to crack? What if Bakugou didn't even think of me in that way and I had spent all this time over analyzing every moment we spent together, every word he's said to me? I felt my stomach flip with the realization that this really could be all in my head..
Just then my phone buzzed and I quickly pulled out my phone.

Deku: hey ! I am out front, ready when you are date :)

Ochaco: Be right down! Yay ^-^

"Alright well it looks like I am off!" I drop my phone into my purse and smile at Tsu. My eyes squinted slightly as she hooked her arm with mine. "Then lets go! I'll walk you out" We walked together laughing as we took each step. I felt my face getting a little warm the closer we got.

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