Chapter Twenty-Six

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Tenerife Sea - Ed Sheeran "We're surrounded by all of these lies and people who talk too much. You've got the kind of look in your eyes as if no one knows anything but us"

I quickly raced around my room and cleaned up. After the break started I hadn't been as organized with my things. After putting away my trash I quickly begin to pick up the laundry that was thrown about the room. Moving quickly I immediately stop upon picking up Bakugou's shirt. Holding the dark colored shirt in my hands I couldn't help but bring it to my face. It still smelled like him. I smiled as I folded it on my dresser looking at the dull graphics image on the front. He had clearly worn this many times because it was pretty beat. I laugh thinking about all the clothes he had hanging in his closet, everything was black. Not a single color was shown.

Dropping my clothes into the hamper I throw myself down on my now clean bedding and scan through my phone. I notice I had four missed texts and one missed call from Tsu. I quickly scan through the texts and see two from Deku.

Deku: Hey there! Just stopping by for my daily check in :) How have you been?

Deku: You're probably busy! Feel free to call/text me whenever. Love you.

My god, I am such a terrible person.

Ochaco: Hey! Sorry, I was just cleaning up my room and left my phone on the charger. Love you too!

I hesitated to type that last part but knew that if I didn't say it back he would be suspicious or things would have escalated. It was probably best to just keep the situation calm. I quickly scroll down to see a text from Bakugou.

King Explosion Murder: Hey loser, I have no idea what my mom talked to you about, but just ignore her.

Ochaco: I love her! She is the sweetest :)

King Explosion Murder: I hate the idea that you two are friends. See you tonight Pink Cheeks.

He was such a weirdo. Mitsuki probably mentioned that we chatted and it embarrassed him. I chuckled to myself before scrolling to my next text from Tsu. I saved her for last because I just wanted to call her on the phone.

Tsu: Call me when you can! Miss you! :p

I quickly dial her number and listen as the ringing starts on the other end. "Ribbit- Hello!" I smile hearing her voice. It was only a few days since I last called her, but it still felt like forever.

"Hey Tsu! Are you having a great break!"

"Oh yes, minus seeing some of my weird family members, everything has been good here. What about you?" I take in a breath debating if I should tell her what's going on before she cut me off. "-specifically is anything new happening with the Baku - Deku love triangle?" I could already see her eyebrows wiggle with that last statement and it causes me to laugh out loud.


"What -ribbit- why beat around the bush here" She giggles on the other end and it makes me smile. I was so thankful I told her and she is such an understanding friend about it all.


"YOU ALL KISSED!?" she hollered on the other end.

"NO NO NOOO!" I say shaking my head. "Definitely no!"

"Well with the way things have been going how was I to know?" I laugh from her reaction and let out a sigh "I should tell you though, I went back to the Bakugou house last night for dinner"

"TWICE IN ONE WEEK!" I had to pull the phone away from my ear because she was so loud.

"THAT IS - THAT IS JUST - WOW!" Tsu was still yelling before she finally calmed down "That is insane Ochaco! So I'm assuming they really like you? How does Bakugou feel about it all?"

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