Chapter Twenty-Two

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Always Yours - Arkells || "Now if time is what it takes. I'll be here, I'll be waiting for you. I don't need a break. No tears, always in your corner. You know, I'll be waiting for you. You know, always yours. My hearts always yours"

Bakugou and I stood and waved goodbye to Mr. and Mrs. Bakugou from the front of the house while they stood in the doorway. We continued until we saw Mitsuki close the door. Within mere minutes of that door closing, Bakugou grabbed my hand and yanked me behind the high brick fence that surrounded their house. My body jolted from the quick moment and it caused me to yelp a bit. Once we were out of sight he looked down at me and smiled. 

"Sorry about all of that.." "Don't be sorry, I had a great time. Your parents are great!" I say sincerely noticing that we were still holding hands. Feeling the warmth of his touch I look down then back up at him. Neither one of us moved, with his free hand Bakugou pushed my loose hair behind my ear smiling at me. "You're such a loser" I looked up at him and felt my whole body hum. I wasn't sure what was happening but it was making me feel dizzy. Hearing a ping in my pocket I quickly jump pulling away from his touch. Pulling my phone out of my pocket I look to see a text from Tsu. That was perfect timing. Bakugou laughs watching me quickly responding to the texts.

Locking my phone I quickly drop it back into my bag and look to see Bakugou already a few steps ahead

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Locking my phone I quickly drop it back into my bag and look to see Bakugou already a few steps ahead. "Finally! Hell, We could have been there by now!" He laughs as I run to catch up with him. Once I caught up he wraps an arm around my shoulder pulling me close. We continued to walk like that until we made it back to the dorms.

"Thanks for walking me back!" I say rushing up the steps. I didn't think it was right to do anything more as a goodbye. Plus with how close we got before, who knows what would happen.

"Ochaco wait!" I turn quick and step down a few stairs. "Yeah?"

"Wanna train together during the break?" I look at him sideways as he continues, "You said you wanted to get better, so why not learn from the best". I roll my eyes at him which makes him laugh loudly. "No, but seriously, I train every morning at 5:30 am, which you already knew.." I blush thinking about our past run in. "So since your here by yourself it would give you something to do, plus you could get stronger before everyone gets back."

I think about it for only a bit before nodding my head, "sounds good to me!"

"Great see you in a few hours then" Bakugou turned around and made his way back down towards his house. I watched as he continued walking until he disappeared under the dimly lit sidewalk. Running up to my room I quickly changed and jumped into bed, excited for tomorrow morning to train with Bakugou.

***** 7 Hours Later... *****

As my alarm blared in the distance I jolt up and push back the hair from my face. When he said 5:30 am, I didn't think it would feel this early. Looking out my window I see Bakugou already outside stretching. Was he serious... 

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