Chapter Twenty-Eight

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Dark Blue - Jack's Mannequin || "This flood is slowly rising up swallowing the ground beneath my feet. Tell me how anybody thinks under this condition"

I woke up the following morning and pulled my sore body up from my bed. Running my fingers through my knotted hair I quickly reel back from the splitting pain. My head pounded like I had been drinking all night when in reality I had spent the whole night crying. As soon as I returned to my room last night I just curled into a ball on my bed and let myself cry. I let my emotions flow out of me for the first time in a long time. It made me feel better, but today was a new day and the rest of the gang would be back this evening. 

Changing my clothes I remembered that Bakugou did stop by my room last night. As I cried I could hear a faint knock in the distance. Freezing in my bed I silenced my cries to a few sniffles, unsure if that was what I actually heard... Hearing the knock again I cover my head with a pillow and squeeze my eyes shut until I drifted off to sleep. 

Looking at my reflection in the mirror I notice how red and puffy my eyes were. "Great look Ochaco" I say to myself before rubbing my eyes. Picking up my phone from the side of my bed I noticed I had no new messages or phone calls. It was odd, but not out of the ordinary. It was still pretty early, 6:00 a.m. to be exact so I wasn't really expecting much. Bakugou didn't text about training this morning.  Maybe he didn't want to see me. I wonder if I should still go... I wonder what it would be like when we saw each other. Throwing a hoodie over my head I pushed those thoughts away and head outside. I had to remember the times we had before all that happened, we were getting really close and for me to let this stupid mistake get in the way would be dumb.

Walking through the front door I noticed that there was no one outside. I should have expected that I was late and he probably just quickly started without me. Shivering I pull the hood up on my sweatshirt and begin to stretch out. Once I finished up I began a light jog through the small city. My headphones blared music that helped to block out my thoughts as the sun rose in the distance. It was peaceful and calming to just be alone for a minute without the stress of what's to come. Passing the pond Bakugou brought me to a few days ago I returned back to the headspace I was trying my best to avoid. Picking up speed I took off, it was like I couldn't feel the ground below me all I wanted to do was run away. 

I was so in my head I didn't even realize how fast I had run that 5k as I approached the dorms. The sun was now creeping up behind the horizon as I stopped in front of the dorms. The music still blared in my ears as I caught my breath. Stretching out my legs I turned to face the sunrise. It was always so beautiful at this hour. My hood remained up over my head as the wind blew the leaves around me. I closed my eyes allowing the breeze to flow around me, I wished so much for the breeze to just blow me away. That way I wouldn't have to deal with facing Bakugou after all this and especially Deku knowing that I completely betrayed him. 

I needed to face reality soon. I went to school with both boys and I couldn't just pretend nothing happened right... or could I? Deku hadn't even asked me to hang out during this break, but did that just give me the ok to kiss Bakugou? Also, I am so dumb to skew the simple fact that Bakugou and I were getting closer with us actually getting back to how we were- whatever that was? It's always the same with him, he could never fully commit to me because it would make him seem weak falling for a classmate... So him being sweet and flirty is all well in good, but the minute everyone gets back he will go to the cold Bakugou he's always been. These actions are really predictable with him because I was in this position before with him - it was all too familiar. 

Walking back into the house I make my way to the showers and let the cool water run down my face. Leaning my head against the cool tile of the shower I let my emotions get the best of me again as the tears combined with the tap water that pelted my face. I needed to get all of these emotions out before everyone gets back because I couldn't start this up again when they got here. They would know something is up. Why did I feel this way, why did I have to go and fuck up something that didn't even get the chance to truly start? What would Tsu say now... I completely did the opposite of what she told me to do.

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