The Return and Princess Dress

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Caroline snapped out of her haze and took in her surroundings. She was standing in front of her closet holding a blue short dress. Suddenly, the memory of what had happened only moments before came flooding back. She turned around to see the box containing the 'princess' dress on her bed. She smiled as she realized the voice was right. Whoever it was had truly sent her back to this day. She let out a laugh and put her dress back and walked over to the box. She opened the lid and smiled at the dress Klaus had picked out for her to wear for that night.

She picked up the invitation and smiled as she turned it over to see his elegant handwriting on the back. She put the invitation on the bed and lifted the dress out of the box. She put it against her body and smiled at the thought of seeing his face again. This time she would not let her nerves get the best of her; this time she would not be rude and say cruel things to hurt him. Although he did appreciate her honesty, Caroline knew this time had to be different somehow. She had to make things right this time. She had to give him a chance and still be honest at the same time. She thought of how she felt when she lost him.

"I will not go through that again." Caroline said to herself.

Caroline took off her jeans and shirt and carefully slipped on the blue dress. She danced around her room, letting the dress flow all around her. She felt like a princess. She laughed happily at the thought of Niklaus being her Prince Charming.

"Who would have thought that the big, bad hybrid would be my prince?" Caroline laughed joyously.

She twirled and danced around her room and down the hall, imagining Klaus' arms around her. She laughed like she hadn't in a long time. Her laughter ringing through the house, her mother was in the kitchen and smiled as she heard her daughter.

She walked towards Caroline's room and stopped when she saw her dancing around in the beautiful dress.

"Caroline?" She asked, stunned.

Caroline stopped and let out a giggle. "Mom, what are doing home?"

"I came by to pick up something, and I heard you laughing." Liz replied, stepping into the room.

Caroline remembered her mother coming by the house that night, but she didn't speak to her. So Liz didn't know about the dress.

"Where did you get that dress?" Liz asked, eyeing her daughter carefully.

"It was a gift mom." Caroline answered with a blush.

"A gift from whom?"

"Someone, mom."

"By someone you mean..."

"I mean someone, mom." Caroline laughed.

"You are not going to tell me are you?" Liz asked still curious.

Caroline shook her head. She knew how her mother felt about Klaus and his family. Although she did owe him for saving her daughter's life, Caroline knew it would take a while for her mom to adjust to the idea of her and Klaus.

"You certainly look beautiful in that dress." Liz whispered, with a smile and tears in her eyes.

Caroline pulled her mom in for a hug. "Thank you, mom."

Liz returned the hug and stepped back. "Are you going somewhere tonight?"

Caroline nodded. "The Mikaelson mansion, they are hosting a gala tonight, and I have been invited." She replied excitedly.

Liz hesitated. She knew her daughter could look after herself, but she still worried.

"Mom, I know that look. I will be fine." Caroline replied to her mother.

"I know. I just worry."

"I know mom, and I love you for it, but I will be fine."

Liz paused and looked at her daughter. "You know I think that Klaus has a thing for you. I believe that's what you young people say."

Caroline stepped back and looked at her mother. "Mom! I never thought I would hear you say that."

Liz looked down and was about to turn around when Caroline stopped her.

"Mom, wait, I think there is something you need to know." Caroline sat on her bed and motioned for her mom to sit beside her. Liz hesitated before sitting next to her.

"What is it, Caroline?" Liz asked, looking at her daughter.

Caroline smiled. "I like him, a lot, mom."

Liz sat back, stunned. She expected to hear her daughter say something entirely different, not this. "You like him, like as a friend." She whispered, hopefully.

Caroline sighed. "Mom, I like him as more than a friend."

"Caroline..." She started before Caroline interrupted her.

"Mom, please, Klaus makes me feel beautiful. He listens to me. He treats me with respect, and makes me feel like I'm the only one in the room. I feel like a lady when I'm with him, mom."

Liz watched her daughter as spoke. She noticed how Caroline lit up when she spoke about Klaus, and suddenly she realized who the dress was from, and she let a smile creep up on her face.

"Caroline, I have never seen you so happy. If you really feel this way about him, I will try and be supportive."

Caroline beamed, and wrapped her arms around her mom. "Thank you, mom"

Liz returned the hug. "But honey, what about Tyler?"

Caroline froze. She hadn't thought about him. She hated to hurt him; he was there when her father had tortured her, but when she thought back everything after that was messed up. When she was in danger, Klaus was there to save her and comfort her. Tyler wasn't, but she could not tell her mother that.

"Tyler's changed, mom. He's not the same man he was when we started going out. He takes me for granted and I don't need that, mom. I deserve to be treated like a lady."

Liz tugged Caroline's hair behind her ear, and smiled in understanding. Caroline's father was the same way. He took her for granted, like Tyler did to Caroline.

"I understand, Caroline. I better go. I have a meeting with the mayor." Liz stated hugging her daughter once more and then standing up to leave.


Liz stopped at the door and turned around to look at her daughter.

"Will you do my hair?"

Liz smiled and let out a sigh. "Sure" She replied as she walked back to Caroline.

"I love you, mom." Caroline said as Liz began pulling her hair back.

Liz smiled. "I love you too, Care."

Caroline smiled and began to think about Klaus and what she was going to say when she saw him. At that moment, she looked in the mirror and watched as her mother fixed her hair to match Cinderella's, her favorite princess.

Tonight she was going to win her Prince Charming; if it was the last thing she'd do.

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