Trust and a Protector

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Morning came too soon for the Caroline. Not wanting to disturb Klaus, she quietly got up, still in the clothes from the day before, and walked down stairs. For some reason the garden was calling her this morning. Sighing she opened the door, and walked into the majestic garden.

She walked over to the bench and sat down. Leaning her forearms on her knees she bowed her head and got lost in the nature surrounding her. Her mind went to the direction her life had taken since she came back.

She had taken a chance and gave Klaus her heart, and she couldn't be happier. She was happier with him. He made her feel beautiful and smart. He listened to her. Much more than other boys she had dated. Caroline smiled at the thought of spending an eternity as Mrs. Niklaus Mikaelson. It sounded almost poetic thinking the name. Caroline let out a giggle as she looked at the ring sitting on her third finger. After all of the chaos surrounding her and her family now, she still felt happy. Her life with Klaus was just beginning and she wasn't going to let anyone ruin her happiness, not after all she had been through.

The image of Matt entered her mind. He had given his life to save this family, and made the ultimate sacrifice. Caroline knew he was happier where he went, but she still felt the loss.

She closed her eyes, and then opened them again trying to fight back the tears. The battle was coming, and she was afraid, but she would never tell Klaus that. He didn't need to know that she feared for her life. He had protected her from so much in her life, and now it was her turn. She needed to be strong. She needed to be fierce. She knew Esther would play any card she had to destroy this family. Her powers may have taken, but she still had Abby.

Abby, Bonnie's mother, the one person Bonnie wanted to make sure to save. Caroline knew the risks, and in the end Abby might not make it. Caroline knew for certain, Esther would never make it. Caroline shuddered at the thought of killing Klaus' mother. He had told her he killed her before, but she came back. Caroline knew it was one thing for him to kill his mother, but for her to kill her. Fear crept in her heart at the thought of Klaus hating her for killing his mother. She knew he would understand, but the doubt still lingered.

This war or battle was not easy. Caroline knew this was the only way to protect her family, but still she feared for them. Esther played dirty; it was evident when she used Tyler and Matt. Poor Tyler, Klaus never told her how he died. Frankly, she wasn't sure she wanted to know how he died. She knew how vengeful Klaus could be, she remembered. He could be cruel and heartless if the occasion called for it, but he was the most caring man she knew, or at least to her he was. What other man would protect his family with his life and then protect a girl he hardly knew?

Caroline looked up when she heard someone enter the garden. She smiled as she saw him coming towards her.

"You know I don't like waking up and you're not there, love." He stated as he came closer.

Caroline gave a silent laugh. "I didn't want to wake you. You were very peaceful." She answered, standing up to greet him with a quick kiss on the lips.

"Good morning, Nik." She whispered, tracing his stubble.

Klaus smiled, brushing her hair behind her ear. "Good morning, Caroline."

Caroline shuddered at the sound of her name on his lips. She didn't think she could ever get use to that sound, and to be honest she didn't want to.

"What are you doing out here, love?" Klaus asked, as Caroline walked back to the bench.

He sat down beside her, and watched her.

"I came out here to think, and to get some peace." She answered, looking at him.

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