Esther's Favorite and Lonely Torture

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"I want my Bonnie lass, back." Kol demanded after the rest of the family left him alone with Esther.

Esther shrugged. "I'm sorry. I need her."

"I need her more."

Esther smiled. "I know, but in order to get Caroline back. I need to stay inside of Bonnie."

"I don't give a bloody hell what you need. I need her!" He shouted at his mother.

Esther narrowed her eyes. "Don't you dare talk to me that way, Kol Mikaelson, you are still my son!" She scolded.

Kol didn't relent. Normally he would be frightened of his mother, but his love for his Bonnie lass overshadowed his fear.

"You know what, mother; you can just go to..."

"Kol" Elijah shouted.

Kol turned to see his big brother standing in the doorway, one arm in his pocket, and the other was folded across his stomach.

Kol stared at his brother, and Elijah motioned for him to leave the room. Kol gave his mother one last look before leaving the room.

"Elijah" Esther replied with a smile.

Elijah didn't smile only walked towards his mother.

"What are you really doing here, mother?" He asked.

"I told you, Elijah, to stop Mikael."

Elijah shook his head. "No, that is not why."

"Elijah, you don't trust me, do you?"

Elijah shook his head again. "No, I don't, not anymore."

"Why" She asked.

"Because you lied and you have tried to kill us many times."

Esther sighed sadly. "I'm sorry for what I did, Elijah. I truly am."

Elijah narrowed his eyes, and turned his head. He did not want to get into this right now. "Why did you come back, mother?"

"I came back to help Niklaus." She whispered.

Elijah smiled. "He was always your favorite wasn't he?" He asked.

Esther smiled. "He was." She replied, bashfully. "I love all my children, but..." She trailed off.

"You loved Klaus more." He stated.

"How did you know?" She asked sheepishly.

Elijah came and sat down in front of her.

"I've known ever since that day in the woods." Elijah replied.

"You never said anything." She replied.

Elijah shrugged. "He was my favorite brother, and I knew you would never treat us any differently."

Esther smiled. "You were always so wise, Elijah. I am so proud of you." She replied, touching his face.

Elijah smiled, and grasped her hands. "Thank you, that means a lot, Mother. I mean it." He whispered.

She smiled, and nodded in acceptance. The beginning of a new life for the Mikaelson family

~Klaus' bedroom~

Klaus stared out the window in utter silence. He had called Liz and informed her to keep a look out for Caroline. He told her, Caroline had been possessed, and after a whole half hour telling Liz to stay put, she finally relented. Klaus did not want his future mother-in-law getting hurt by his monster of a father.

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