Mothers and Family Moments III

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Kol held Bonnie close as she cried, for hours. He hated seeing his Bonnie lass in pain, and as she cried, his heart broke at the sound.

"I killed her, Kol. I killed my mother." She cried, holding him close.

Kol rubbed her back gently. "I know, but you said she wanted you to."

"I could have controlled how much I took. I could have stopped when I had enough. I could have..."

"You could have died, Bonnie." He interrupted.

Bonnie pulled back to look at him, and knew he was right. He told her before, before they came back that if the risk was too high he was not going to risk losing her, and he almost did.

She lowered her head. "Your right, but it doesn't change the fact that I killed my mother."

Kol raised her head to look at him. "We all have something we want to change. That is why we came back, to change, but not everything can be changed. You said at one time, your mother was a vampire in the other future, and it took her turning for you two to finally become close."

Bonnie nodded, looking down at his chest.

"Think about this, she died saving you; she did not have to become the thing she hates for you two to become close. She gave you her blood for you to live. She sacrificed herself for you."

His words pierced through Bonnie's heart, and she felt tears pour down her face. "If it's so right, then why do I feel horrible?" She wept.

Kol pulled her closer. "Because she was your mother" He whispered.

"Will you help me?" Bonnie asked, through her tears.

He didn't have to ask. He knew what she was asking, so he smiled. "Yes, my Bonnie lass, I'll help you."

"I love you, Kol." Bonnie whispered, drifting off to sleep.

"I love you, my Bonnie lass." He whispered back, gently kissing her on the head.

He held her through the night, and vowed into the darkness, that nothing was going to hurt his Bonnie ever again. If so, he was going to rip them apart, causing them as much pain as they had caused her. No one was going to hurt her again.

~Klaus and Caroline's room~

Klaus set Caroline down on the bed, and went into the bathroom to wet a towel. Caroline was still covered in blood, and that upset her.

When he returned, she had dropped her face in her hands, and sobbed.

Klaus knelt down in front of her, and gently removed her hands.

"Caroline, let me." He whispered, as he began to clean the blood off her face, and her hands.

"I'm so sorry, Nik." She whispered, after a while.

"Sorry for what, Caroline." He asked, focusing on her hands.

"I killed her."

Klaus shook his head. "I told you. If it came down to you or her, I choose you. Now that she is dead, she won't be threatening our family anymore."

Caroline gave a small smile, but it faded when she remembered. "Nik, she gave me a message to give to you."

Klaus stopped cleaning, and waited, never looking up.

"She said she was sorry, and that no matter what you think she did love you."

Klaus threw the towel down, and stood up to face the window. He crossed his arms, and Caroline knew he was upset. She stood up and walked over to him.

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