Finality and The Future

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Kol's eyes narrowed at Esther's words, and his eyes began to darken.

"You're lying." He snarled through clenched teeth.

Esther smirked. "Until my mission is complete, I cannot leave this body."

Kol strode to her and reached forward with his right hand and grasped her throat tightly. His inside voice told him he was hurting his Bonnie lass, but he would apologize to her later, when she was returned to him. Right now, his mother was in control, and he wanted to hurt her.

"Your mission is over." He replied tensely, as tightened his grip on her throat.

She let out a strangled cry, and Rebekah glanced at Klaus and Caroline. Do something. She mouthed to them.

Klaus stepped away from Caroline, sending a glare to the still unconscious Mikael on the floor. "Stay away from him, Caroline." He whispered, harshly.

Caroline nodded, and stepped away from Mikael, but kept her distance from Klaus as he walked to his tense brother.

"Kol, let her go." Klaus replied, stepping to his brother's side and watching him closely.

Kol shook his head adamantly. "I can't, Klaus. She has my Bonnie, and I'll be damned if I am going to let her get away with it." He replied through clenched teeth.

Klaus glanced at Esther and saw fear in her eyes for a moment. He smirked, and turned back to his brother.

"There is a way to save her, brother." Klaus whispered, leaning toward Kol's ear.

Kol jerked his head to his brother and narrowed his eyes. "What are you talking about?" He asked, still holding Esther's neck tightly.

Klaus touched his brother's shoulder gently and leaned forward to whisper in Kol's ear, so low that only Kol could hear his words.

Kol's eyes widened, his grip loosened on Esther's neck, and he looked at his brother carefully.

"Are you sure?" He asked, hope flickering in his eyes.

Klaus smiled and nodded before turning to Caroline. "Caroline, I need your help."

Caroline narrowed her eyes and tilted her head. "What are you planning, Klaus?" She asked, using his other name because at that moment he was not Nik, but Klaus, master planner and manipulator.

Klaus looked at her carefully, knowing he would have to address what she said later, but not now. He stepped away from Kol, making sure Sage and Rebekah had Bonnie in their hands, and went to Caroline, gently grasping her upper arms.

"You saved me by battling yourself. I need you to do the same for Bonnie." He whispered softly, gazing in her blue eyes.

Caroline smiled and placed her left hand on his chest. "How can I help Bonnie? I was fighting within my soul, Nik." She whispered, using his name lovingly.

"You fought against your darkness, Caroline. I need you to tell Kol how he can reach Bonnie." Klaus replied, with a faint, sad smile.

Caroline closed her eyes as she contemplated what he had just told her.

I don't know if I can do this. She thought in doubt.

Yes you can, Caroline. Klaus whispered in her mind with encouragement.

Caroline sent a small smile to him and touched his face with her left hand. She sighed as she walked to Kol, who had let go of Esther's throat and was waiting impatiently with his arms crossed.

Caroline glanced at Klaus, who sent her an encouraging nod, before turning back to Kol.

"How much do you love Bonnie?" She whispered, knowing that he loved her, but needing him to say it out loud.

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