Girl Talk II and Kisses in the Night

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They entered the Grill and spotted Sage and Finn sitting at a booth on the far side of the room. Klaus, Kol, and Elijah went to the bar. Bonnie, Elena, and Caroline went to a table. Elena spotted Stefan and Damon watching Finn and Sage.

"There they are." She whispered to Bonnie and Caroline.

"Do you remember what you're supposed to do?" Bonnie asked.

Elena nodded, shakily.

"Don't worry, Elena, we have your back." Caroline whispered, taking her friend's hand in hers.

She gave Elena an encouraging smile, and Elena stood up and walked over to Damon and Stefan.

Caroline watched and lowered her head for a millisecond.

She looked back up and smiled at how easily Elena worked the boys. She could get them to do the dumbest things if she wanted them to. She sighed at Elena leading them out the door, with a nod to Bonnie and Caroline.

"I'll see you guys later." She replied to the girls who responded likewise.

Caroline looked at the boys next to the bar and smiled at Klaus.

Bonnie eyed Kol, who gave her a wink.

"Okay, you have got to tell me." Caroline turned to Bonnie.

"Tell you what?" Bonnie asked, clueless.

"You know what, about you and Kol."

Bonnie blushed and bowed her head. "I love him, Care."

Caroline lifted her head in shock. "You love him" It was more of a question than a statement.

Bonnie nodded. "He was there when I needed someone. He listened, and held me." Bonnie began. "Well, at first, he was going to kill me, but then he changed his mind." Bonnie stated, leaving off the bit where she wanted to die. Caroline didn't need to hear that, and neither did the brothers who were obviously listening.

"What happened?" Caroline asked, by the tone of her voice she understood.

Bonnie smiled. "Well we started bickering, and then he grabbed me and kissed me."

Caroline let out a laugh. "He kissed you?"

Bonnie nodded. "It wasn't a bad kiss, and it felt good."


"But, I wasn't ready, so I hit with an aneurysm."

"Oh, ouch, Bonnie," Caroline grabbed her head instinctively.

"Well, that was the only way to get my message through. He had no business kissing me, without getting to know me first."

"Bonnie, that's not why you did it," Caroling sighed.

Bonnie sighed. "No it wasn't. I was scared. He came to my home, threatening to tear my heart out, and then I invited him in. I didn't know what else to do to protect myself, no matter how his kiss made feel."

"You invited him in, after he threatened to kill you." Caroline was stunned.

Bonnie fiddled with her hands. "There was something about him that made me feel safe. I knew I had to take a chance. It sounds silly doesn't it?" Bonnie replied with a small laugh. She didn't care anymore if the brothers were listening.

Caroline shook her head. "It's not silly. I completely understand. I feel that way with Klaus. He makes me feel safe, that's why I'm giving him a chance. Not to mention, he treats me like a lady."

Bonnie giggled. "Kol is the same way."

Kol looked nervously between his brothers, who were looking amused.

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