Calm Threats and Broken Ground

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Elijah paused outside of the door and took a deep breath before knocking. He heard her coming, and closed his eyes for a second to reflect.

She opened the door, and paused to look at him. Her soft brown eyes lit up with excitement as she looked at him.

"Hello, Elena." He replied, with a gentlemanly smile.

"Elijah" She whispered, with a warm smile.

"I'm sorry to come before calling, but I needed to have a word with you. Would you mind accompanying me? There is something I wish for you to see." He asked, hoping within his heart she would not refuse.

Elena smiled and felt a warm feeling go through her heart at his offer.

"Sure, just let me grab my jacket and I'll be right out." She replied, gently, trying to hide her excitement.

Elijah nodded, and headed to his car. He waited for a minute before he saw her coming out in a black jacked with a purple scarf wrapped around her neck. He smiled at the thought of her wearing that scarf for protection. He turned and opened the door on the passenger side and helped her in the car.

"Thank you" She replied.

Elijah nodded, as he closed the door, and walked to the other side. He climbed in the driver's side and started the car.

"Where are we going?" Elena asked, trying to feign excitement.

Elijah smiled, as he listened to her heart beat faster. "Some place very special to me." He replied quietly.

Elena smiled and turned her attention to the scenery passing by her window.

They drove for an hour before Elijah stopped the car just inside of a wooded area outside of Mystic Falls. He got out and went around the car to open the door for Elena. She smiled at the action, and graciously accepted his hand as she stepped out of the car.

Elijah led the way and Elena followed close behind.

"Where are we?" She asked, looking around her.

Elijah stopped where some gigantic boulders rested. "A thousand years ago, this was where we lived." He replied, sadly.

Elena listened with her heart catching the sadness in his voice.

"You have to understand something, Elena. When we became vampires, our world changed drastically. I'm sure you have been told everything is amplified a thousand times."

Elena nodded.

Elijah stepped toward the stones and placed his hands on the boulder. "Everything we felt as humans became overwhelming when we turned. Our home changed. It was no longer a home to us. This place held some painful memories, especially for me and Niklaus."

Elena felt a twinge, but was unsure if it was sympathy or anger at the mention of Klaus.

"I know how you must hate Klaus for everything he has done to you and your family, and you must hate me for going back on my word, but when we were human, all we had was each other. We never depended or trusted anyone else. Elena, my family came first in my life, and they still do. We never asked to become what we are." He paused and turned to gage her expressions. He stepped forward.

Elena stood there frozen. She had heard the story of how they became vampires, but Elijah had never explained how they felt.

"I know of the part you played in my mother's plan, and how you were the one who stabbed Rebekah in the back after she trusted you. I just want you to know, that no matter what my feelings are for you, my family is the most important thing in my life."

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