Questions and Late Night Talks

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Caroline entered her bedroom with a smile of fulfillment. The evening went perfectly. She wasn't rude to Klaus, and she stopped him and his family from drinking the champagne. And, most importantly, she kissed Klaus!

"I can't believe I did that." Caroline said to herself as she changed into her pajamas.

After washing off her makeup and combing her hair out, she came back into her room and found a black jewelry box sitting on her bed. She let out a giggle and grabbed the box. She opened it up, knowing what she would find. When she unraveled the paper, she found the picture was the same, but the words at the bottom were different.

Thank you for your companionship


She smiled at his kind words. His humanity was coming out little by little. Carefully she placed the picture on her dresser and propped it up so when she woke it would be the first thing she would see in the morning.

She climbed into bed and imagining what tomorrow was going to be like, she drifted off to sleep.

Sometime in the night, a voice aroused Caroline from her sleep.

"Congratulations, Caroline."

Caroline sat up in her bed. "Who said that?"

"Did you forget already, Caroline?" The voice replied.

Caroline looked around trying to see, even with her enhanced vision, she could not see anybody.

"Where are you?"

"I am here, and yet I am not."

Caroline sighed. "I hate riddles."

"You did not answer my question."

"I have not forgotten. I saved him and his family. I'm giving him a second chance."

"I know, Caroline. Ever since you were sent here, I have kept watch over you. You have done well."

"Why have you watching me?"

"To protect you, Caroline, there are forces, that don't want you to succeed in taming Niklaus."

"Taming him, you make it sound like Beauty and the Beast."

"You can say that."

"When are you going to tell me who you are?" Caroline asked the darkness.

"You will find out in time, Caroline. For now continue to remember, dear Caroline. Never forget."

Caroline nodded to the darkness and knew she was once again alone in her room. She lay back down and thought about the voice. She wondered what it meant by other forces. Well every fairy tale has its hardships, why not me and Klaus.

~Klaus POV~

Klaus got ready for bed after the long night at the ball. He replayed the events of the night, especially her. Klaus replayed every word she had said, every movement she made. Her smile, her blush, everything was enchanting.

Klaus couldn't seem to grasp why Caroline's mood had changed so rapidly. It was only yesterday she thought so low of him and thought he was going to kill her on her birthday. Maybe she was being polite because they were in front of so many people, and she didn't want to cause a scene.

That tore him up inside, at the thought that it was only a ploy, and she was toying with him. He had to find out for sure.

He couldn't rest until he knew the truth. Klaus stood up from his bed and went over to his dresser. He pulled out a cream colored shirt and slipped on a pair of blue jeans. He grabbed his black sailor's jacket and headed out the door.

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