Broken Legs and Broken Hearts

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Elena awoke, sat up, and took in her surroundings. She then remembered what happened. She was talking to Elijah and then the ground gave way. She looked around when she remembered Elijah grabbing her and together they had fallen into this hole.

"Elijah" She called out into the darkness.

"I'm here, Elena." He returned coming into the light. "I'm sorry I left you for a second, but I was trying to find an easy way out of here for you." He replied coming to kneel beside her.

Elena looked skeptical. "You're a vampire. Can't you just use your vampire abilities and jump us out of here."

Elijah chuckled and shook his head. "I can't. You won't last the jump."

Elena looked at him questionably, and then he motioned to her legs. She looked down and realized they were both broken.

She hadn't felt the pain.

"You are close to shock. You have been out for quite a while." Elijah replied sadly.

Elena looked at his face closely. "Is there another way out of here?" She asked.

Elijah nodded. "I'm not sure if you will make it. It is quite a long walk."

"You are going to carry me; aren't you?" Elena asked, hoping he answered right.

Elijah titled his head.

Before he could answer, Elena replied, "Couldn't you feed me your blood?" By the look on his face, Elena knew she had said the wrong thing. "What's wrong?"

Elijah bowed his head. "I don't allow anyone to drink from me. In my entire existence, I have never allowed it."

Elena looked at him, the pain finally reaching her mind. "Elijah, I didn't know. I'm sorry, but if I'm going to make it out of here, alive. I'll need to do something."

"You are very pushy aren't you?" Elijah remarked with a slight smile.

Elena blushed. "Some say that's why they like me."

"In my day, a woman would have been shunned for being pushy." Elijah replied seriously.

Elena bowed her head. "My mom always told me to stand strong and never let anyone push me around. I guess I have sort of become the opposite of what mom believed. I've become the pushy one."

Elijah shook his head. He lifted his arm, and before he took a bite, Elena screamed.

"Elijah! What are you doing?"

"I'm giving you what you asked. You are right. If you are to make it out of here, you need my blood. I straightened your legs for you so it should only take a few hours for my blood to finish the job. Are you ready?" He asked before he raised his arm to bite down.

Elena took a deep breath and nodded. She watched as Elijah's face transformed to the beast within, and she realized she had never seen his vampire face. It was beautiful sight. She had seen Stefan transform, and Damon, and even Caroline, but this was completely different. This was breathtaking. She felt her heart stop a second at the beauty of it.

Elijah lifted his wrist to her mouth and watched as she placed her lips around his wrist and closed his eyes at the feeling. He felt her grab his arm and hold on as she swallowed his blood.

Elena felt the blood go into her body, and it felt wonderful. When she had drank Stefan's blood, it left her feeling cool. Damon's was hot, and then left her feeling cold. Elijah's blood was warm and was leaving her feeling at peace. No, not at peace, she felt at home.

She pulled back when she had enough, and wiped her mouth as drips of blood had leaked down her chin.

Elijah watched the movement and turned his head.

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