Comfort, Sisterhood, and Connections

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Elena walked into the living room, and sat down on the brown couch next to the window. She leaned forward, and looked up in time to see Elijah enter the room.

"I don't know how much more I can take, Elijah." She replied, running her hands through her hair.

He approached, and sat down on her right side.. "Everything will be fine, Elena."

She glared at him, anger and sorrow in her eyes. "How can it? My two best friends are possessed, and one is missing." She ranted.

"We'll find Caroline. Klaus has his hybrids searching every acre of land within the perimeters of Mystic Falls. He's not going to give up, and neither should the rest of us." He replied, in his authoritative tone, and his eyes filled with ancient wisdom.

She nodded, her anger seeping away, until only worry remained. She leaned back, and on him. He sighed as he wrapped his arms around her shoulders.

"He really does love her." She whispered, as if she never truly believed until now.

"Forever." He responded, leaning his head on hers.

"Would you search for me like he does her?" She asked, wrapping her free arm around his waist.

He pulled her back, and grasped her face to look into her eyes. "I would search forever." He stated with certainty.

She smiled at his response, and leaned forward to capture his lips with hers. As she pulled back, she whispered, "I love you, Elijah."

He lifted his right hand and brushed her hair behind her ear. "And I love you, Elena." He returned with emotion, pulling her back for more.


Rebekah sat on the bench in the garden, surrounded by the summer flowers, her hands rubbing together, nervously. The wind began to blow gently pushing her blonde hair to the right side of her face. She reached up and brushed her hair back and felt a tear rolling down her cheek.

It has been two days since Mikael took Caroline away from them, and Esther took over Bonnie. She couldn't believe everything that continued to harm her family. They had finally gotten to the brink of happiness, and Mikael and Esther foiled it.

She felt her tears fall down her face, and she felt her rage beginning to overload. She stood up, grabbed the bench and threw it as hard as she could, shattering it to a million pieces. She let out a cry as she collapsed on the river rocks, where the bench used to be. With her face in her hands, she cried for her family. She cried for her dear sisters, lost to her parents.

As the wind picked up again, she bowed her head, and dropped her hands. In the distance, she heard thunder, and she knew rain was coming.

She heard footsteps coming towards her, but she didn't look up.

"Rebekah, are you alright?" Sage asked, kneeling beside the young blonde.

Rebekah might be older than Sage in immortal age, but Sage preceded her in mortal years, and it was at this time the age difference shown through.

Rebekah shook her bowed head. Sage brushed the young ones hair back, as the summer wind picked up harder, and the sky began to darken.

"We better return inside." Sage remarked, softly, looking at Rebekah with kindness.

Rebekah didn't say a word, she only stood up, with Sage's help, and Sage wrapped a consoling arm around the blonde's shoulders.

They entered through the back double doors, which led into the kitchen.

Stefan was in the kitchen, getting some food, but stopped when he saw Rebekah, and her drawn sorrow filled face. He started towards her, but halted when Sage shook her head, and continued to lead Rebekah through the house to Rebekah's room, where Sage sat her down on the bed.

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