Family and Hate

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Rebekah paced her room, trying to think of some way to save Caroline from her mongrel of an ex. During the two months, Rebekah had grown considerably close to the blond, and considered her a sister. She still didn't trust the Elena girl because she, quite literally stabbed her in the back. It would take a while before she trusted her again, but she had seen the way Elijah lit up whenever Elena was around, and so she didn't complain too much. Bonnie had actually integrated herself into the family, and Rebekah was thrilled with the changes Bonnie instigated in Kol. She remembered the time when Kol had found another love, and how excited he was when he met Toni. At least he found someone again, and Rebekah was not going to disrupt what they had. She could tell that Bonnie loved her brother, and he loved her. She couldn't be happier for them.

She thought about her favorite brother, Klaus. For nearly a thousand years he had feared of being alone, and then along came Caroline. Rebekah resented her at first because she was afraid Caroline would play Klaus and hurt him. She wouldn't stand for that, but after watching Caroline with her brother, Rebekah knew that she truly cared for Niklaus.

She had to think of something before Caroline left this afternoon. She was not going to let her brother lose his love.

Matt entered the room to find Rebekah with her thumb in her mouth, shaking her head, and pacing from one end of their room the next.

He smiled and approached her.

"Becks," He called and stilled her from her pacing.

She looked up at him and sighed at his name for her, but she shook her head and broke free from his hands and continued pacing.

Matt sighed and dropped his hands, and watched as she continued. "Becks, everything is going to work out fine."

She shook her head again. "No, Matt, it won't."

"How do you know?"

"Because I have dealt with this before, and the last time someone died. I won't let Caroline or her mother die." She stated.

"What was last time?"

She paused and went to bed to sit down. Matt followed her and sat down beside her.

"I'm sure you've heard of a girl named Toni." She replied, looking at Matt.

Matt slowly nodded. "I've heard of her in passing, not much. Everyone seems touchy on the subject."

Rebekah nodded. "She was Kol's girlfriend, a hundred years ago."

Matt raised his head. "Was?"

"Mikael killed her. She had been coming to visit us, when Mikael ambushed her. She shouldn't have been alone, but she was. We tried everything to get to her. You see, she was still human. She was the only human we allowed close to us, because of Kol. He had planned on turning her, but when Mikael showed up, the plan became mute."

"Did she even want to be turned?" Matt asked, curious.

Rebekah nodded. "It was her idea. She wanted to be with Kol forever, and a part of this family. She was actually like my sister in so many ways." She replied with remembrance.

"What happened?" Matt asked again, already assuming the answer.

"Kol found her, but it was too late. He said that Mikael had tortured her so badly, trying to find out where we were, but she wouldn't tell him. Kol told us later, that he couldn't save her and she died. He wouldn't tell us how, but we assumed the worst."

Rebekah fell silent and remembered what Kol did after Toni died. He became a monster, killing for pleasure, but not feeling anything. She tried talking to him, but he shot her down. It had gotten so bad that Klaus daggered him in the end, and she didn't question it. Kol needed to be put to sleep.

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