Devotion and a Victim

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"Absolutely not, I forbid it!" Klaus raged.

Caroline stood in front of him with her hands on her hips defiantly. "Klaus, as I have told you time and again, you are not the boss of me. I am going to do this with or without your support."

Klaus glared at her and huffed. "You are going to be my wife, and I don't want you to be put in any danger."

Caroline softened.

Matt had been gone for a week, and Bonnie had been slowly gaining her strength. She missed Matt terribly, but he had made his decision. The rest of the gang had heard of their engagement, and they were very excited, but it was still too soon after Matt's death. Stefan had been coming by almost every day to talk to Rebekah. He had been invited in the house, but he decided to take one step at a time, because he, too, thought she needed time to get over Matt.

Lily had informed them, before she left, that there was a great battle ahead, but one only Bonnie and Caroline had to fight. The family did not like that idea, especially Klaus. He had thrown a complete fit at the news that his precious Caroline had to fight his battle, and Kol had completely agreed with his brother. Now Klaus and Caroline were in their bedroom 'discussing' their predicament.

"I know you worry about me, Nik, but sometimes you over react." Caroline replied, stepping towards him, placing her hands on his chest.

"With reason, Caroline, I can't stand the thought of losing you, and I don't like the idea of you facing my mother and Abby in battle."

"Klaus, I will be just fine. Bonnie is getting stronger every day. I promise this will work out. I did not cross time and space to find you and then lose you again." Caroline stroked his faced softly.

Klaus sighed, and closed his eyes. "Caroline, I..."

"Don't, Nik" Caroline whispered, placing a finger on his lips. "I love you, Niklaus, and I promise you that nothing is going to ruin my plans of becoming your wife. Do you hear me?" She stated, sternly.

Klaus smiled. "You are always stubborn." He said taking her hand into his.

Klaus bowed his head, and looked at the ring he had placed on her finger, a perfect fit.

Caroline followed his eyes, and smiled at the ring, her ring. This ring symbolized her commitment to the one man she loved. It symbolized that she belonged to him. The man who was once characterized as a big bad hybrid, now the man who would die to protect her.

"Klaus," She began with a whisper. "Do you remember what I promised you when I accepted your proposal?"

Klaus looked up into her eyes, and nodded. "You said you would fight and die to protect me." He whispered.

Caroline nodded. "Well, Niklaus Mikaelson that is exactly what I intend to do."

Klaus smiled, as he lifted his free hand and stroked her face. "I just want you to promise me something." He replied as he gazed into her eyes.

Caroline smiled. "Anything, Nik" She whispered.

Klaus gazed deeper. "Promise me that you will be careful."

Caroline's smile deepened. She wrapped her arms around his neck and began to laugh. "I promise." She replied, with tears pouring down her face.

Klaus wrapped his arms around her tightly.

"Klaus, sweetheart, your Caroline can't breathe." Caroline wheezed.

Klaus eased up, and backed away, as he looked her over. "I'm sorry, love. How can I acquit myself?"

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