The Night and Revelations II

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After two hours of going through her closet with Bonnie to find the perfect outfit for tonight, Caroline finally found the perfect one. She decided to wear her skinny jeans with a blue, sleeveless top. It was a little on the casual side, but Caroline knew this would catch Klaus' eye, and Bonnie completely agreed.

The top was form fitting, but comfortable and had a V-neck at the top. It came down to the top of her pockets on her jeans. She decided to wear her black knee high boots, and when she was done she looked into the mirror and smiled. Bonnie smiled at her friend, and knew this would be a very special night.

"You look perfect, Care." She replied, as Caroline checked herself out in the mirror.

"Really, Bonnie, you don't think this outfit is too casual." She asked nervously.

"Care, any outfit would attract Klaus, and you know it."

Caroline nodded. "I just wanted tonight to be..." She trailed off, and looked down.

Bonnie stepped closer to her friend. "Caroline, what's wrong?"

"What if everything goes wrong? What if Damon and the others do go after Kol tonight? I can't go through that again. When Klaus looked at me last time, that I had betrayed him, I felt my heart was going to rip to pieces. Bonnie, I care for him deeply, more than I have ever cared about anyone else. I can't see that hurt again. I won't, Bonnie." She declared with determination.

Bonnie wrapped her arm around Caroline. "Care, everything is going to be alright. We have a plan remember, a good plan. Besides everything is not going to go the same way as last time, we saw to that, remember."

Caroline nodded. "I guess it's just my insecurities getting the best of me again." She stated with a small laugh.

"Care, I know this will work. It has to, or else everything we have done up until now has failed."

Caroline hugged her friend. "No pressure, huh, Bon." She said trying to light the mood.

Bonnie smiled and gave her fake serious look. "No pressure."

They laughed for a few minutes, and then looked at the time.

"We better get going. Damon's plan is supposed to go down in two hours." Caroline said, turning to get her black jacket. She paused as she looked at it. It looked similar to Klaus' sailor jacket. Caroline smiled as she thought of him in that jacket.

Bonnie stepped towards Caroline and gave a teasing look. "Should I leave you and the jacket alone for few minutes?"

Caroline laughed and rolled her eyes. "You are terrible, Bonnie Bennett." She said as she slipped her jacket on, and headed out the door.

They got into Caroline's car and drove to the Grill. They laughed and joke for some of the way, but for most of the way they were going over their plan to thwart Esther's and the Salvatore's.

Caroline felt Bonnie was hiding something as they discussed the plan so just as they pulled into a parking spot, she asked the question.

"What are you not telling me, Bonnie?" She asked as she turned off her car and then turned to face her.

"What are you talking about, Care? I have told you everything."

"Then why do I feel like you are leaving out something. Something that I think I should know."

Bonnie sighed and looked down; she waited a few minutes before answering. "It's about my mom."

"What about your mom?"

"If we do this, Caroline, there is a chance she won't become a vampire."

"Well, that's good isn't it? Isn't that what you wanted?" Caroline asked quietly.

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