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Over the next few weeks, I had trained once a day. I was constantly low on strength, never seemed to get enough sleep, and was always hungry. But Slenderman said he saw improvement, though I didn't see it.
I managed shadow travel once or twice, but other then that, nothing.
   I sighed and got out of bed, I didn't get much sleep, but that was usual. I pulled a black hoodie over my head and looked out the window.
   The Proxy's were coming back from a mission, they were drenched in blood and I could smell the coppery stench from up here. I wrinkled my nose, though I should be used to that smell by now.
   I turned my back and walked out the door and down the stairs.
   What day was It? It felt like forever since I ran away from camp.
   I spotted Nina running across the hall way and waved to catch her attention.
   "Hey, do you know what day it is?" I asked nervously.
   She rolled her eyes. "Tuesday. Duh."
   "No, what's the date." I corrected.
   She stomped her foot. "We'll definitely Not me and Jeff! Ugh!" She yelled, and ran off.
   I just stood there processing what she said for a moment, but when I understood, I blinked a few times, and walked to the kitchen.
   "...Does anyone know what the date is?" I asked hesitantly.
   Out of the few people in there, Homicidal Liu was the first to look at his phone.
   "January twenty eighth." He answered plainly, putting his phone away.
   My eyes widened at this answer. January twenty eighth! I was eleven now!
   I turned and ran down the hall, hoping to tell Slenderman the news. I soon turned a corner and slammed into something, causing me to fall with a yelp.
   "F**k you! Watch where you're go- oh, hey Nico." I heard someone say. I looked up to see Ben. He seemed pissed off, but I didn't blame him.
   "Oh, hi Ben. I was just trying to find Slenderman. I didn't see you, sorry." I said, watching the boy get up with a sour expression on his face.
   "Hey, no worries. Just, if you get driven insane... by accident of course, that's on me." He glared at me with his bone chilling red eyes. "What'd you even need the ol' Slender for anyway?" He asked.
   I looked down. "It's, um, nothing important." I said nervously, not wanting to bug a killer any more than I already have.
   Ben crossed his arms and glared. "You're Nothing Important." He said, seemingly out of habit.
   I opened my mouth, closed it, opened it, then closed it again. At a loss for words.
   Ben rolled his eyes. "Listen kid, if you're gonna make it in this mansion, you gotta talk back hastily like that, to everyone but the Slender. Got it." He lectured.
   I nodded. "You... you're face is n-nothing important!" I got out.
   Ben laughed. "That's more like it. Now, what'd you want to tell Slenderman again?"
   I bit my lip. I didn't want to waste Bens time. "It... it's just my birthday. Nothing important." I whispered.
   Ben sighed. "You crashed into me, for THAT?! Just kidding, happy birthday Nico." He said, ruffling my hair, then walking off.
   I waited a moment, then started looking for Slenderman again, just, not as fast.
   I finally found the tall faceless figure after a few more turns. "Slenderman! Slenderman! Guess what!" I cheered in excitement.
   He turned towards me.
Yes young Nico?
   "It's my birthday!" I laughed, for what seemed to be the first time in forever.
Congratulations Nico. You're eleven now?
That's very nice. Have you had breakfast yet?
   Ok, get something to eat, then we'll begin a training. But since you're older, we'll try something new.
   I looked down in disappointment. "Yes sir." I answered, then turned, and left to the dining room.
   This was my first birthday without Bianca. I had always enjoyed the past ones I could remember, Bianca would always do something special for me. I was kind if hoping I would get something special today.
   I single tear rolled down my cheek. To be honest, all I wanted for my birthday, was to be with Bianca.
   My walk turned into a jog, then a run, then I broke into a full sprint. I ran past the dining room. Then past the Proxys, and up the stairs. I closed the door to my room and hid under my covers.
   Another tear fell, then another, and another. I tried to stop them, but they kept coming. I cried for a few minutes, burying my face in my hands.
   Why did Bianca have to die! She didn't deserve that! She was always a kind person! Tears of frustration joined the ones of sadness. This was all Percys fault! If it weren't fir him, Bianca would be alive and with me! I wouldn't be in this house of horror after horror! Percy deserved to die instead of Bianca. Percy needed to die! I wanted to kill Percy!
   I yelled in anger, tears still streaming down my face. Frustrated, I grabbed a pole from the corner of the room, and swung at the foot of the bed. "I HATE YOU!" I yelled. The food of the bed crunched. It broke to splinters and the pole hit the floor with a metallic thud. The room grew darker.
   I swung the pole again. "YOU DESERVE TO DIE!" I growled loudly. The pole collided with the nightstand, and that too, shattered to splinters. The room grew darker once more.
   I kept swinging the pole in my suppressed rage, now escaping. Dust collected at my feet, and an eerie green glow swirled like magic in the thickening darkness. I yelled one more time and the dust rose and solidified into a human skeleton.
   The pole slipped from my fingers and I fell to my knees, at a sudden loss of strength. I raised my head uneasily to study the bone made guest. The darkness around me lessened as I spied at the skeletal newcomer.
   The door flew open and there stood Slenderman.
What happened in here.
   "I... I d-don't k-know... I lost c-control... and th-that thing ap-peared." I stuttered, breathing hard.
Nico. Do you not see what you've done!
   I looked at my still shivering hands. What have I done? I've.. I've turned into a monster! I'm a wicked, vial, evil manifestation of Hell!
You've gained control over more of your power! All the plants within a square mile died!
   I shuddered. I did that? What could have happened to cause this? ...Percy. All he ever does is mess things up for me!
   "I... I'm s-sorry." I choked on my tears. "I'm awful. I didn't mean to! I'm sorry..." I cried desperately. The skeleton in front of me crumpled to bones and dust. "I didn't... I'm so sorry."
Don't apologize young Nico. You're growing up. This was always a part if you, discovering it does not change who you are. It makes you stronger. You are more powerful than you think, finding that power makes you a better person then what you are now.
   I wiped away my tears and nodded, still shivering. Slenderman left the room to do more work.
I looked at the pile of bones. It radiated death and darkness. "Hades..." I whispered under my breath. "I am the son of Hades..." The realization left me unable to move. I was the son of the god of death... I belonged here.

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