Down under

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   I opened my eyes and blinked a few times. Where was I. I was just in Zalgos realm. But not anymore. I looked around. It was dark, very dark. There was fire, similar to where I just was, but not as much fire.
   "Hello young man," said a voice from behind me.
   I turned around to see an old man. He was also a bit transparent and wispy like a...
   "Ghost," I whispered. Though this ghost was unlike Ben or Sally. This ghost was dead dead.
   The old man chuckled, "Ah yes. I am dead, have been for quite some time, this place we're in is the underworld,"
   I stared at him. "The underworld? Like the Ancient Greek myths?" I asked.
   "I'm afraid so. And if I'm correct, you're related to one of those Greek Myths. Hades I believe?"
   I bit my lip, looked down, and nodded slowly.
   The old man sighed, "And your sister? Truly a tragedy. But..." he paused. "There is a way for her to live again..."
   My head shot up. "Really?" I asked wide eyed.
   "Of course. Now if you want, I could even help you bring her back,"
   "Yes!" I yelled, almost forgetting everything that had happened the past few months, mind set on this new hope.
   The old man smiled, "I thought you would say that. Now first, just follow me," he said, turning away and moving in the opposite direction.
   I followed him for a minute then stopped, "Wait, what's your name?"
   He stopped and looked back at me. "My name is Minos,"

The End Of Book One

Authors Note:
   So, I guess that's it. Goodness I've been working at this fanfic for over a year. I can't believe I'm done.
   Thank you for sticking through to the end, and reading on despite the cringey scenes and shitty plot.
   I'm not sure when I'll start on the second book, but I think it'll have multiple points of view.
   In the meantime, I could use some ideas for new fanfictions from different fandoms. My brain needs a brake from these two fandoms, but I wanna keep writing. So if you have any requests, I'll try to write something.
   Well, see you later. Bye.

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