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I yawned, shivering at the cold temperatures. The end of December, around 9pm. I was in cabin eleven, where all the unclaimed demigods lived.
I sighed. Why couldn't Bianca have come back on time for Christmas? I had spent every Christmas with Bianca ever sense I could remember. She was my family, the only family I ever knew.
I lay down on the floor, but how could I fall to sleep? I had barely gotten a wink each night sense I got to camp. And when I did sleep, I had terrible nightmares about Bianca, dead.
Travis and Conner opened the door, letting in a rush of cold air. "Wake up people! They're back! The quest is over!" They yelled, waking up the campers that had decided to sleep.
I practically jumped! Percy was back! Bianca would be there, and Percy would be there, and I would soon be there, I couldn't wait. I threw on a coat and ran towards the dinning pavilion. I thrust the door open smiling, the cold burning my cheeks.
   I looked around anxiously, looking for Bianca. I didn't see her. "Where's... where's my sister?" I asked, happiness draining from my face.
   Percy looked at Chiron, then back at me. "Hey Nico," he stood up. "Let's take a walk, ok? We need to talk." He said, leading me out the door.
   Percy told me everything that happened on his quest, explaining what happened, claiming Bianca sacrificed herself to save everyone. I took it in complete silence. Processing the fact that she was gone.
   Percy handed me a small statue, a Mythomagic figurine, the only one I had yet to obtain. "She wanted you to have this." He said. Like that would make up for what he let happen.
I stared at the small statue, thinking of who Percy let die to get it. "You promised you would protect her," I said, looking up.
   Percy flinched, "Nico, I tried. But Bianca gave herself up to save the rest of us. I told her not to. But she-"
   "You promised!" I glared at Percy, putting all my hatred and sadness into the look. I closed my hand around the statue.
   "I shouldn't have trusted you." My voice broke. "You lied to me. My nightmares were right!" I yelled.
   Percy looked at me. "Wait. What nightmares?" He asked. Why did he care about dreams about Bianca dead when it was actually true!
   I threw the statue on the ground. It clattered on the icy marble. "I hate you!"
   Percy looked desperate. "She might be alive, I don't know for sure-"
   "She's dead." I closed my eyes, trembling with rage. "I should have known earlier. She's in the Fields of Asphodel, standing before the judges right now, being evaluated. I can feel it."
   "What do you mean, you can feel it?"
   Tears fell down my face. I felt it. Bianca was nervously waiting for her fate. The judges took into account everything she had ever done. I didn't know if she would make it!
   A hissing, clattering noise came from behind Percy. He drew his sword and I gasped.
   Four skeleton warriors stood behind him, grinning as they advanced, weapons drawn.
   "You're trying to kill me!" I screamed. "You brought these... these things?"
   Percy backed up. "No! I mean, yes, they followed me, but no! Nico, run. They can't be destroyed." He yelled.
   "I don't trust you!" I yelled.
   The first skeleton charged, I shut my eyes tight.
   "Run, Nico!" Percy yelled. "Get help!"
   "No!" I yelled, pressing my hands to my ears.
   "No!" I shouted louder. "Go away!"
   The ground rumbled and I opened my eyes. The skeletons froze as a crack opened at the feet of the warriors. Flames poured from the rip and the earth engulfed the skeletons in a loud CRUNCH!
   Percy looked at me awestruck. "How did you-" he started.
   "Go away!" I yelled. "I hate you! I wish you were dead!" I ran into the woods as fast as I could. I never wanted to see Percy again. I hated him, I hated myself, I hated life, I wanted to die.
   I didn't know where, I just wanted to leave. To go forever. I wanted to be with Bianca again. But she wouldn't want that, she left me, I had no one, so I ran.
   After nearly half an hour, I collapsed from exhaustion. Panting, I lay on the ground. I didn't know what to do. I was lost, I was alone... alone. I cried. I cried my heart out. How could this happen? Why did it happen to me? What did I do to deserve this?
   "Why?!" I cried angrily.
   The darkness around me thickened, going completely black. The rush of air hit me like a brick wall. And the voices, all in pain, wanting me to understand them.    
   Then all of a sudden, I could see again, then no more.
   I woke up, and panicked. I couldn't move, couldn't even open my eyes, what had happened to my energy? Why was I to tired to move? I got hold of myself and calmed down.
   I used my other senses. First I noticed sound. I heard wind, I heard twigs snapping, I heard creatures of the night, and I heard... static.
   Next I noticed touch. I was being carried by something. It felt like, it was in between dead and alive. An old being, really old.
   Why was I being carried by someone, or something? How did I get here? Why can't I move? I started to panic again.
   Fear not young one. I will not harm you. I heard a voice say in my head. You are still tired, rest child, until it is time for us to meet.
   I immediately fell back to sleep as the voice instructed.

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