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I bit my lip. The name was familiar. I think I heard one of the pastas say it once. Something about Slenderman being against him?
"He's an enemy?" I asked.
"Yeah, a really bad guy," Toby responded, trembling.
   I thought for a moment, "No offense... but aren't you all kinda bad guys...?"
   Jeff gasped, "I'm not so bad a guy if you get to know me!"
   "Well you see genius," Ben said, turning to Jeff. "I don't remember you leaving anyone alive long enough to get to know you, fucking dumbass," he finished.
   Toby snorted. "Jeff the fucking dumbass holy shit, Ben I think you figured out Jeff's full name,"
"No it's NOT! My name is Jeffer... oh haha, you wish you knew my full name,"
"I already do. Jeff the fucking dumbass," Toby laughed.
"FIRST OF ALL YOU SHITBAG!" Jeff yelled at Toby. He then swore more than I could count.
I quietly backed up and circled around the argument to the mansion. I then quickly entered and ran to Slendermans office.
   I knocked on the door.
Come in.
   I opened it and stepped inside. "Hello Slenderman," I said quietly.
Hello young Nico. Is there a problem?
   "Um... can you tell me about... Zalgo?"
   Slenderman froze.
   I nodded.
Why so interested?
   "Um, well, uh, Ben, Jeff, Toby, and I were hanging out in the woods and we saw something called 'The Rake' and they told me he worked for Zalgo," I explained.
   Slenderman stood up suddenly, causing me to step back in surprise.
You saw the Rake?
That's bad. Zalgo's minions shouldn't be able to get here.
   "But, who is Zalgo exactly?"
He... I heard him sigh, Sit down. He gestured towards a chair.
   I sat down nervously.
Zalgo... where do I begin. His name is Za'lgatoth and he is a demon. A being of pure evil. Zalgo has near god-like powers such as possession, corruption, and immortality... He wants to lay siege to the Multiverse and torture mortals for eternity. It's best to stay as far away from him as possible.
   I sat in silence for a moment. Killing almost seemed kind compared to that. "So, what does it mean when his minions get in the forest?"
It means, he's getting stronger. I'm gonna need to start sending out multiple missions at once. You're gonna have to go out more often. You seem to work well with Jeff, Ben, and Toby. I'll have you go on missions with them from now on, and there may be some splitting up necessary, I'll let you guys figure that out. Now please go get those three and tell them to come here.
   I nodded and stood up. I went back outside where they were still arguing.
   "I'm a decent guy ok!" Jeff yelled.
   "Decent guy my ass you psycho," Ben and Toby said in unison.
   I waved to catch their attention, and to my relief, it did.
   "What," Jeff snapped.
   "Slenderman wants you guys," I say. Then head back into the mansion.
   I got back to his office, then the other pastas arrived a moment after.
   Ok, take a seat.
   Silently, all of us obediently sat in chairs, though Jeff rolled his eyes.
   I'm going to sent out multiple missions at once from now on. You four are a team, when necessary, your team will split up into groups of two, understood?
   We nodded.
   Toby then looked at Ben and grinned wickedly, "Hey Jeff, if our group ever needs to split up, we should totally team up,"
   Jeff looked lazily at Toby, a little confused. He then looked at Ben, then at me, he then grinned as well. "Oh yeah tooootally. And that means," he gave a quiet gasp of fake surprise, "Ben and Nico will have to team up!"
   I looked at them in horror, then looked at Ben to see he had the same expression.
   Team up? Oh no...
   I then looked down, my cheeks growing warm. All I could do was hope my hair would hide my face.
   That's not important. Now, you will also be going on missions more frequently, as to find any more of Zalgo's minions that may be hiding in the forest. Understood?
   We all nodded once more.
   Ok, and one last thing. Nico?
   I flinched, "Yes?"
   You need to do more than play as bait. Understood?
   I froze. That would mean I'd have to kill more people. "But-"
   I looked up.
   Have I made myself clear?
   I swallowed. "Yes sir..."
   Good. Now go back to your business.
   We all got up and left the room.
   After we were down the hall Jeff broke the silence. "Bitch, I barely get enough free time as is! Now I'll never have time to myself!"
   Ben rolled his eyes, "That's because you go out killing without instruction. If you only went out when ol' Slender gave us a mission, you'd have more free time."
   "Killing's too fun," Jeff complained.
   "And that," Toby responded, "Is why you are not a decent guy,"
   "Are too,"
   "Are not,"
   "Shut up both of you,"
   They started to argue again. I began to back away, intending to go to my room or see what was for lunch.
   "Hey Nico," Jeff called.
   I slowly looked at him.
   "You heard Slenderman, you should get your act together before the next mission,"

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