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   I entered my room again after lunch and sighed. I wonder if there's any way to get a new bed, I thought.
   I was still rather hungry but the meal had helped a lot.
   I looked around at the mostly empty room and felt one thing and one thing only, boredom.
   I nudged the end of my broken bed with my foot. What to do, what to do, what to do? Back at Camp there was an Arts and Crafts Center, was there anything to do here though? I didn't want to watch TV, it gave me a headache. Was there anything else to do?
   I wandered out of my room and walked downstairs to the room with the fireplace. I approached Masky and Hoodie, who were talking.
Masky looked down at me, "What'd you want kid?" He asked.
"I'm bored," I answered plainly.
"Well there are plenty of books in hear, or you could watch TV, or draw, or go kill, or go outside. Just do whatever, I don't care," He answered. Then went back to his conversation with Hoodie.
I looked around at the bookcases. I was pretty bad at reading, probably not the best idea. I didn't know where the drawing supplies were either. And I definitely wasn't going to kill anyone.
   Deciding to go outside, I left the room and opened the front door. The frigid air stung my face. It was almost February. Just a day to go.
Shivering, I went out to the back of the mansion. I saw the small lake, covered with a thin sheet of ice, and I saw the clearing where I had trained with Slenderman. When will the next training session be? I wondered. I approached the frozen over lake and brushed some snow off a rock, then sat on it.. It was rather pretty, glistening ice in the sun. I smiled.
   "Oh hello kiddo! Pleasure to see you again,"
   I jumped and looked behind me, only to be met with the terrifying monochrome clown, Laughing Jack.
   "I... uh.. bye," I said hastily, trying to make my way around LJ.
   "Oh no no! Don't leave, please, I just want to play a game!"
   I backed up, really not liking the sound of that. I knew what types of games this creepypasta liked.
   "N-no, I want to get b-back ins-"
   "I insist!" Said the crazy clown, grabbing my arm.
   "N-no! I d-don't wanna p-play!"
   "Nonsense! Everyone loves a good game! Now follow me kiddo,"
   I wasn't really given a choice. LJ dragged me deeper into the woods despite my frightened protests.
   He eventually stopped and pushed me against a tree with his long arm. He then grabbed some nails out of seemingly nothing and smiled sinisterly.
   I screamed and tried to get away but LJ pressed me to the tree even harder.
   "Can't let you get away can I kiddo?" He chuckled. He then took the nails and slowly pushed them through each of my shoulders and into the tree. I screamed in pain and LJ cackled madly. I felt hot sticky blood start rolling down my arms and dripping off my fingers onto the snow.
   He started humming Pop Goes The Weasel as he grabbed a few candies from underneath the snow, though how they got there, I had no idea.
   He popped on in his mouth then asked, "Want one kiddo?"
   Tears rolled down my face as I yelled and sobbed. "N-n-no! I-I d-don't want-t y-y-your cand-die!" I yelled in between sobs. "I w-want B-Bianc-ca!" I sobbed.
   "Oh kiddo, I know how it feels to be lonely. I know you're sad, but I want to help all the sad and lonely children! I want to share my games and sweets to everyone that needs it! Just have a candy! You'll feel better!" He laughed.
   I was sobbing and shaking my head. "N-n-no! G-go away!" I yelled.
   LJ's grin disappeared. "Still no? Well then... I can fill you with candy in other ways,"
He inspected on of his knife like fingers, smiled, and poked my chest, then started slowly dragging his finger down.
   I screamed again. "S-STOP!" I yelled, as blood started pouring from the wound.
   "It's been a blast kiddo but..." LJ chuckled darkly, "All games come to an end,"
   "N-No!" I screamed again.
   "STOP IT! GET AWAY FROM HIM!" Someone yelled.
LJ pulled his finger out and looked in the direction the voice had come from, snarled, and disappeared into a cloud of black dust.
I was still sobbing, and I couldn't see clearly. But someone wearing green, and someone wearing brown approached.
"Oh shit! Shit shit shit, Toby that's a lot of blood!"
"I'm not blind! Just help me get him off the tree!"
I yelled and shut my eyes as I felt the large nails come out of my shoulders. I fell into someone's arms and heard them grunt.
"Ugh, I'm too small, you take him, hurry!"
I different pair of arms scooped me up and the person started running.
After a few minutes my yells had died down to small moans of pain, I heard a door open and warmth washed over me.
   The person carrying me rushed up the stairs with the other one close behind.
   Toby watch where you're goi- Is that Nico? Ben, Toby, what did you do this time!? Slenderman yelled in our minds.
   "Wasn't us! We'll explain later!"
   "Gotta get him to EJ, Ann, or Smiley!"
   They rushed down the hallway and opened a door.
   "Hey what are you doing in here?! Wait, what happened!?"
   "I'll explain later. Where are Ann and Smiley?"
   "They're out. I got it."
   I was set onto a chair and felt a small pain in my arm. Then all went black.

Again -_-

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