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   "Have you figured any out?"
   I jumped, it had been half an hour since either Ben or I had spoken. "Figured any what out?" I asked.
   Ben rolled his eyes, "You said Slenderman was helping you develop your powers. Have you figured any out yet?"
   "I... um, yes?" I answered unsurely.
   "What is it?"
   "Uh, yesterday I... accidentally made a skeleton,"
   Ben's jaw dropped and he looked at me, "You what?"
   "I accidentally made a skeleton..." I couldn't tell what Ben was going to do or say, which kinda scared me.
   "Can you do it again?" He asked.
   I blinked, do it again? "I'm not sure how..." I answered quietly.
   "Oh c'mon, just did what you did before!" Ben pushed.
   "I don't know what I did before," I whispered even more quietly.
"Why not just tryyyyy? Please? For me?"
I raised an eyebrow, "You want me to try for you? What in Heras name makes you think you deserve more than anyone else in this mansion?" I asked. Seriously? For him? He'd been nothing but a jerk to me the whole time!
"I didn't kill you the second you said that for one,"
Oh no... I thought.
"And if you'd like to keep it that way I'd advise you to try,"
I really didn't like Ben.
I closed my eyes and tried to concentrate like Slenderman taught me. But on what? What was I concentrating on? I was concentrating on using my powers, but what that the right thing to concentrate on? Should I be thinking of something else? What would I need to do to raise the dead? Maybe... find dead? I concentrated on trying to find death of some kind. There had to be at least some considering who lived here. Is there anyone there? I thought. All of a sudden, I felt something brush against my consciousness.
I flinched and opened my eyes. "What was tha..."
"What was what? I didn't see anything, you weren't trying hard enough,"
I bit my lip in anger and closed my eyes again. I searched for what I had felt moments before. I had just about given up when I felt it again. I didn't withdraw this time, but grabbed hold of it with my mind and pulled. It resisted, but I clenched my fists and pulled harder.
I gasped and, though I was sitting, fell to the floor. I felt drained of everything in me, I couldn't lift a finger if I wanted to, yet somehow, I retained conscious.
   Though I couldn't move a muscle, I heard Ben exclaim, "Woah! That's incredible! Holy shit! Woah,"
I groaned feebly, still unable to muster the energy to move.
   "Oh yeah, you good Neeks?" Ben asked.
I couldn't answer. It was so frustrating! I felt helpless, weak, and getting weaker. I realized the skeleton was taking all my energy. I let go on my hold of it and I heard bones fall to the floor.
   I still couldn't move.
   "Nico? Nico get up. Nico," Ben started poking me. As if that would help. "Uhh, I'll go get someone. Stay there," Ben stood up and ran off. As if I could leave.
   A few minutes later Ben came back, "Hurry up Jeff," he called.
   There was a groan from the hallway, "I'm coming you tiny piece of scum. What the hell did you do anyway?"
   "It was all his fault!" Ben yelled.
   Jeff entered, "Wow, the dead body isn't a murderers fault huh?"
   "He's not dead,"
   "How'd you know?"
   "Cause he's breathing you numb skulled smile freak,"
   "Whatever short stack, what'd you need,"
   Ben rolled his eyes, "I need help getting him to his room,"
   "Why do you need help with that?"
   "Like you said, 'Short stack', now get his legs,"
   Jeff groaned and Ben sniggered. After a moment I felt them grab my legs and hands, they lifted me up and carried me to my room, putting me on my bed.
   Why did I have to be conscious for that? I didn't want to remember something that embarrassing. Yet again, I barely had enough energy to think clearly.
   I strouggled to move even the smallest bit, to open my eyes, move my arm, even just lift a finger. But to no avail.
   I gave up on my feeble atempt to move and sank into the world of dreams.

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