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   I left the room muttering at my defeat. I walked down the stairs to dinner, I was greeted by the smell of fish and broccoli. I couldn't remember ever having sea food, but I had an odd feeling I would like it. I sat down at the end of the table and looked at the food.
   Ben sat across from me and smirked. We made eye contact and I hid my face in embarrassment. I heard him laugh quietly before Jeff sat down next to him and they started conversing.
   I soon got my food and picked at it, wanting nothing more than to sleep. I yawned, propping my elbows on the table and resting my chin on my hands, planning on letting my eyes rest for a moment.
I opened my eyes looked at where the voice was coming from, it was Ben. "Hmm?"
"You've been asleep for an hour, do you wanna go to bed?"
I nodded tiredly, closing my eyes again.
I then heard a voice from behind me whisper, "Then go, to, sleep!" I felt something sharp touch my back.
My eyes snapped open and I jumped away.
Both Ben and Jeff were laughing really hard at my reaction. I glared at each of them in turn. I then turned my back of both of them and started to walk.
"Night," I mumbled.
Jeff scoffed, "Oh c'mon kid, take a joke."
I ignored him and walked upstairs to my new room. I got in bed and waited tiredly. The night seemed to drag on as I waited for sleep. It's not that I wasn't tired, I was. But I was also thinking. Overthinking.
I was up late into the night thinking about a lot of things. Varying from the events lead me here, to things that haven't happened, imagining what might happen if I stay.
Will I grow to... enjoy killing?
The thought made me shudder. No, I didn't understand how anyone could enjoy that.
I eventually woke up, though I didn't remember falling asleep. I got out of bed, still feeling tired. I yawned and sighed, wishing I had gotten more sleep.
   I left my room and walked down the hallway towards the stairs. But instead of going downstairs, I went upstairs, assuming either Ben or someone else would be with the TV.
   I stopped when I heard hushed voices coming from the TV room. Curiosity came over me and I stopped to listen. In a house like this, I had to know everything I could.
   I recognized the voices as Jeff's, Toby's, and Ben's.
   I heard Toby snigger at something Ben said.
   "Y'know Ben," Jeff said, "That's kinda ga-"
   "Shut the fuck up Jeff," Ben snapped.
   I flinched at the vulgar language, but continued to listen.
   "No wonder you're always act like that around em, you got a little cruuushh," Toby teased.
   "Just.. don't tell," Ben mumbled.
   I flinched. Ben had a crush on someone?
   I suddenly felt sick. I slowly backed away from the door and when they were out of earshot, I ran to my room and closed the door behind me.
   Why was I upset, I should be happy for him. I leaned against the door and sighed. Why was I upset? Who even was it anyway? Would Ben stop talking to me?
   I bit my lip. I shouldn't be upset, there was no reason at all to be so distraught about him having a crush. Absolutely no reaso-
   My thought stopped, seemingly along with my heart.
   There could be one reason I was upset. I slid to the ground in dread. No no no no no, I couldn't... I wouldn't... no no no no, it's wrong!
   I started to hyperventilate, searching for another reason, any other reason.
No, I can't! I've always been told it's wrong! I can't, I can't! No no no no no no no no no no-
   I jumped at a knock on the door.
   "Nico, breakfast," I heard Jeff say.
   "I'm not hungry," I replied.
   Jeff snorted, "You didn't eat dinner yesterday, you gotta eat some time,"
   I sighed and got up. I took a few breaths, not wanting anyone to think I was acting suspicious or strange. I opened the door and walked past Jeff without a word.
I walked down the stairs and into the dining room and saw eggs and bacon on the table. I sat down and picked at the food.
   Sally walked up to me, "Hi Nico! Do you wanna play?"
   I shivered, "Uh, um, what game?" I asked.
She thought for a moment, "Tag?" She suggested innocently.
I paused, "Who's playing?"
"Me, Laughing Jack, You, and whoever else wants," she laughed.
"What?" She asked, taken aback.
"No," I repeated, glaring at my food in a mix of anger and fear.
"But I wanna play!" Sally whined.
"No," I said, standing up.
I wanted nothing to do with that psycho clown. Ever.
I turned around, intending to go back to my room, but ran into the one and only Laughing Jack. Almost as though karma was laughing at me.
"You don't wanna play kiddo?" He giggled.
I was frozen. I'm gonna die. I thought, as the large clown started taking me outside, with Sally skipping behind.
We were almost out of the dining room when the adrenaline kicked in. I pulled my arm away from LJ in a panic.
   "W h a t ?"
   I swallowed, "I-I said no,"
   LJ looked mad for a moment, but then he chuckled. "Oh kiddo, everyone loves a good game. You're just tired, come on," He grabbed my arm again and started dragging me once more.
   "Or maybe you could leave him the fuck alone!" Ben ran over and pulled me away. "You asshole," he sneered.
   LJ rolled his eyes and left as Ben gave him the finger.
   I stood there for a moment, processing what happened. "You... you sure do swear a lot," I said.
   Ben chuckled. "And I can swear a lot more If he tries to hurt you again,"
   I looked down, hiding my growing blush. No no no no no no no, "this is bad," I whispered.
   Ben looked at me with a raised eyebrow, "Hmm?"
   I flinched, "Um, I-I gotta go," I muttered, stepping away and running upstairs.
   I ran into my room again, breathing hard. "No, no, no, no, no, no, no, it's wrong," I trembled. I closed the door and walked over to the bed to sit down. "No, no, no, no," I continued to mumble.
   I was told all my life it was wrong, it was a sin, it was evil. No no no, boys like girls and girls like boys. That's how it goes. I can't feel like this. There must be something wrong with me. There must have always been something wrong with me. I can't... I can't have a...
   I lay down. Tears collecting in my eyes. I couldn't feel that way, not again. I couldn't! "No-" my voice caught in my throat and the tears fell. I silently cried in my room by myself.
   I have a crush on Ben...

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