Hang out

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   I was lying on my bed, stunned and scared. What was I supposed to do?
   I closed my eyes, panicking. "Oh no, oh no, oh no," I whispered.
   There was a knock at the door. I looked up, startled. I quickly wiped the tears from my eyes and answered my door.
It was none other then Ben.
I looked down and mumbled a 'Yes?'
Ben said firmly, "What did I do,"
   I looked up, "What?"
   "What did I do. You just ran off. Do you hate me again?" He said, beginning to glitch, "Are you scared of me?" He snapped.
   "N-No!" I stammered. "I-I just... it's not your f-fault! It's m-mine... I freaked out and didn't know what to do." I said, voice wavering. "I'm sorry..." I finished with a whisper.
   Ben sighed, glitches dying down, "Don't be, I shouldn't have jumped to conclusions,"
"It's still my fault,"
"No," Ben said, "It's LJ's fault,"
I smiled faintly, "I guess so,"
Ben chuckled, "So, you doing anything?"
"Wanna hang out with Jeff, Toby, and I?"
"Will they be ok with it?" I asked nervously.
"Eh it'll be fine. C'mon," He grabbed my hand and pulled me back downstairs.
I bit my lip, fighting a smile and a blush. I looked down as I trailed behind Ben.
Soon we got back to the dining room where Ben found Toby. Toby looked at me and sniggered, I cocked my head be he shrugged it off.
"Where's Jeff," Ben said.
"Probably in his room, or heading to town,"
Ben started pulling me upstairs, "Come on Toby," he yelled behind us.
Toby followed Ben and I upstairs to Jeff's room. Ben stopped outside of it and grinned wickedly. He then glitched out of existence, sending an electrical shock up my arm.
After a few moments, I heard Jeff yell, "What the fuck dude!" From his room, with Ben cackling. Jeff slammed the door open and stormed out, I then saw Ben laughing on the floor.
   "What happened?" I asked Toby, hoping he would know.
   Toby chuckled, "Ben likes to slowly crawl out of Jeff's TV cause it freaks him out," he explained.
   I half smiled at the thought.
   Ben started walking down the stairs, and without anything else to do, we followed.
   I'm a few minutes we were outside the mansion.
   Jeff groaned, "What are we doing out here, it's cold,"
   Toby shrugged, "Can't be that bad,"
   Then Ben groaned, "Jeff I swear you are so fucking loud just shut up for once in your damn life,"
   Toby laughed and Jeff shot a glare at Ben.
   I stood in silence, wanting to be anywhere but there.
   "C'mon guys, we're gonna go explore the forest," Ben declared.
   "Oh hell no," Jeff spat.
   "And we're leaving Jeff's bad attitude behind," Ben continued unfazed.
   Toby laughed and followed Ben into the forest.
   I jogged to catch up with them and despite his complaints, Jeff was soon to follow.
   I walked up to Ben, Jeff and Toby sniggered, but I ignored them. "Ben?" I asked.
   "I... uh, is there any specific thing we're doing out here, or just exploring in general?"
   "Just exploring, unless we find something cool,"
   The others sniggered again.
   "Um, why do they keep doing that?"
   "Doing what?" Ben asked.
   "Laughing at us,"
   Ben scratched the back of his head, "Uh no reason," he assured. Red creeping into his face.
   I was stunned. Was Ben blushing? I suddenly looked away, finding myself blushing as well. "Um, ok," I mumbled.
   We all kept walking in silence.
Eventually we came across an old camp sight. Old and deserted. Dry blood speckled one of the tents. There had once been a mission here.
My eyes scanned the camp sight, it felt like death, I had a bad feeling, a really bad feeling.
"Hey, um... do you guys clean up the bodies?" I asked nervously.
"No, we just go home,"
"Then where are they?"
"I don't know,"
"Oh," I was starting to get really uneasy. "Can we go?"
"We just got here?" Toby chimed, peeking into one of the tents.
Ben looked at me, then smirked, "You scared Neeks?"
I huffed, he wasn't being funny, at least not to me. I wanted to go.
   "I knew I was missing one!" Jeff shouted, picking up a bloodstained knife from the ground.
   Ben rolled his eyes, inspecting a broken bottle he found.
   I sat down on a log and looked around. Forest, forest, forest, forest, forest- wait. I looked in the direction I saw it and locked eyes with... something.
   It looked like some sort of hairless, humanoid dog thing with large claws.
   "Ben," I whispered urgently. "Ben What is that?" I asked, standing up and backing away.
   Ben looked up and froze, "Run," he whispered. I looked at him in shock, "Run," he yelled.
   Jeff and Toby looked up and saw the thing, they started to sprint in the direction of the mansion. Ben grabbed my hand and ran so fast I barely kept my footing.
   We got back to the mansion in 10 minutes, exhausted.
   "What- Was that?" I panted.
   "That," Ben answered, "Was the rake. And he works for Zalgo,"

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