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I walked nervously next to Ben, not sure what to do, or say. Should I even say anything? Why were my palms sweaty? My pulse was rushing, why was I so nervous?!
   "Wanna hang after we get back?" Ben asked casually.
   I flinched, "Uh, sure?" I answered. To be honest, I was really tired, but fir some reason, I did want to spend time with Ben.
   We walked for about twenty minutes. Ben tried to start a conversation a few times, but they quickly died and I felt awkward the whole time.
   We finally came in view of the mansion and I sighed in relief. My kegs hurt and I was so done with feeling uncomfortable and awkward.
   Ben squinted, "Hey...  Jeff and Toby are fighting by the front, what a surprise. Do you think we can still win the race?"
   I looked at the front and sure enough, it looked like they were fighting to the death. Toby had a knife in his side, but didn't do anything. Jeff looked tired, but very angry.
   I shrugged, "They'll probably see us and run inside,"
   "Hmm... have you ever teleported before?"
   "Um..." I thought back to the times I had accidentally shadow traveled. "Sort of? Mayb-"
   "Cool," Ben cut me off. He grabbed my hand and I felt a jolt of electricity, then we were in his room.
   I stumbled back and tripped on a wire, falling, and bringing Ben down with me. That was definitely not like shadow traveling.
I was breathing hard, "Th-that wasn't-t like what I d-do," I stuttered.
"What do you do?"
"It kinda g-gets all dark and I think I hear voices..."
"I guess,"
"You guess?"
"Well... it's kinda... disturbing,"
"Oh, ok,"
   There was an awkward silence, probably only awkward for me though.
I yawned, getting more tired by the second. Ben looked at me with a raised eyebrow.
   I shrugged and looked away nervously. I closed my eyes for a second but jumped when there was a knock at the door.
   "Dinner," came from the door, nothing else.
   Ben jumped up and opened the door, "Ladies first," he smirked.
   We both just looked at each other for about 5 minutes, waiting for the other to go first.
   I thought it would last forever, but then Ben smirked again and zapped into his TV.
   "Shi-" I covered my own mouth, horrified at how much the creepypastas have rubbed off on me. "I swear to Zeus these people are ruining me," I muttered, getting up from and walking out in defeat.

Rise of the Ghost KingWhere stories live. Discover now