Forgive Forget

882 46 3

   I groaned. So much for not falling unconscious anymore. Opening my eyes, I found that I was in a new room. Same layout as mine, but nothing broken.
   "You keep doing that,"
   Confused, I looked in the direction of the voice to see Ben leaning against the wall.
   "Doing what?" I asked.
   He seemed taken aback, "Woah, you didn't jump when I talked! Are you a Nico clone?"
   I looked away embarrassed, "Doing what?" I repeated.
   Ben sighed, "Fainting. Like a small damsel in distress. You keep doing that,"
   I looked down, even more embarrassed. "I... uh... Sorr-"
   "Don't apologize, it's annoying,"
   "Wow, and you think I'm unbearable?"
   "W-what do you mean?"
   "Toby told me you think I'm unbearable,"
   "I didn't say tha-"
   "You basically did,"
   I looked away again, ashamed. He wasn't wrong to be honest. "Sorr-"
   "Stop that!"
   I shut up, deciding it was the best option.
   Ben sighed, "No I should be sorry, it's my fault I had that impression on you. I was really hoping maybe we could be friends,"
   I bit my lip, even more ashamed. He was wrong, I was the one that was rude, I had to make it up to him,
   "I hope we can be friends too," I mumbled.
   Ben smirked and walked over and sat at the end of my bed.
   I was silent for a moment, "What happened?" I asked.
   "I knew you'd say that," Ben sighed. "Well, Jeff, Toby, and I went on a mission, but the stupid kids got away, so Toby and I decided to get back to the mansion and Jeff ditched us to chase the campers into town," He explained.
   I nodded, it sounded like something Jeff would do.
   "But then I heard a scream and got curious, so I followed it and found LJ about to kill you. So I scared him off and brought you back to the mansion to get sorted out," He finished.
   Before I could comment, Toby opened the door and scoffed, "It wasn't all you, attention hog, I got him to the mansion,"
   Ben rolled his eyes, "Well I still did most of it,"
   "If you say so tiny," Toby sighed. "Oh, hi Nico, how are you doing?"
   I smiled, "I'm fine,"
   Ben huffed, "Fine is a nasty four lettered word that starts with F,"
   I looked him dead in the eye, "It's better than the one you use,"
   Ben looked away, trying to hide his smirk.
"He's got you there shortie," Toby laughed.
"Stop calling me that!"
"Sure thing midget,"
Ben jumped up and attacked Toby, who only found it amusing. They stopped when I fell out of bed laughing so hard. Soon both Ben and Toby had joined in laughing.
Ben walked over and offered his hand. My stomach twisted as I took it and he helped me up. Though I wasn't sure why.
   Toby laughed again, "Well, if you're ok than I'm gonna go talk to Slenderman,"
   "He's not ok, he said he's fine,"
   "Chill Ben, don't expect him to be perfect only a day after he almost died. That was a lot if blood, I'm surprised he isn't worse," and with that, Toby left.
   I quickly let go of Bens hand, now feeling nervous. I tried to take a step back but tripped over the blanket and fell over again.
   Ben began laughing again. I kicked his foot and he fell over as well. Now it was my turn to laugh, and he soon joined in.
   Ben wiped a red tear of mirth from his eye, still laughing, "I could, hahah, could kill you you know,"
   "But you won't, right?"
   "Eh, not today squirt," He got up again. He offered his hand a second time, but I didn't take it, still feeling nervous from before. Why am I so nervous? I thought to myself. Was it because I was wrong about Ben? Probably that.
I got up by myself and smiled awkwardly at Ben, who raised an eyebrow, but shrugged.
He sat at the end of my my bed again and scratched the back of his head, "Uh, you wanna play video games?" He asked.
I shrugged, "I guess," I answered. To be honest I don't care about video games, but I still felt as if I owed Ben for hating him.
His face lit up and he jumped off the bed. He grabbed my hand and I almost tripped again when he sprinted out the door and through the hallway.
We stopped at an unfamiliar door. Slightly confused, I asked, "But isn't the TV and game stuff on the other side of the house?"
"Yeah, but there's also one in here,"
"Where is here?"
"My room," Ben opened the door and led me inside. There were band and video game posters covering the walls, the bed had a green Legend of Zelda blanket, and across from the bed was a TV.
"Sit down," he instructed as he turned on the TV. He grabbed two controllers, "What do you want to play?" He asked.
I thought for a moment, "What was that first game I played?"
"Mario Kart?"
"The racing one?"
"Yes, that one,"
Ben shrugged and sat down next to me, handing me a controller.
   I felt my heart beating against my chest, really nervous, but I wasn't sure why. I took the controller and tried to ignore the fact that Ben was right there, I failed.

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