Angel from Hell

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Angel from Hell (Repost)

April 2, 2014 

Hiding inside a little girl’s heart, an angel prowling in her pitch-black world, exists only once in a blue moon but she is there, waiting. She devours every pain that the little girl takes in. In every pain she obtains the angel nourishes her torment, and every moment passes by, another diversion comes alive.

Angel has no name. Ever since this little girl created her, she never let her comes out in her world. It’s not because she doesn’t like it, but because she cannot control her.

She’s from the fires of hell.  An angel who has a pure heart, living in complete agony, tremendous sufferings, and horrific tortures, that the only one ever known her is her dear creator.

The first time that she lets her out in the dark world, the little girl’s beloved mother weeps and every tear is nothing to her as she watches her mother’s sorrowful face looking back at her too. She yells at her daughter, how vicious her words are and how she describes her as nothing but an angel who came from hell wearing an innocent mask to fool everyone around.

Every time, the little girl loosened her diversion, she will see tears; feel pain, for this angel occurs only when a judgment of life begins.

When pain is too much to bear for, when every time she does only takes into granted, and all they ever do to her is to cry, then she sends this angel out and makes an unfair judgment. A kind of judgment that they won’t ever forget and they won’t blame her, but themselves.

No one will ever try to hurt her for she is hurt herself.  She won’t give any pity no matter how many times they plead. Her objective is to hurt everyone’s soul until they will loosen into their hopelessness. This angel makes certain that their sufferings are enough to reside in their hearts for good.

Her words are deadly.

No one ever dared to fight back when she’s around. She is not pure evil but she will definitely be the worst nightmare one can have. She won’t hurt anyone physically. She is there with her deeply innocent face; her voice is still soft; but she speaks like a sharp dagger repeatedly stabbing anyone’s soul.  She will leave a wound; a kind of wound that even time won’t heal, that even if she doesn’t exist no more, she’ll make sure that the scar is still as excruciating as the fresh wound she intentionally makes.

An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth, a pain for a pain, and a suffering for a suffering, for her, apology is only accepted when they know the feeling of the grief they have done to her. For “sorry” is only a mere word that has no meaning for her.

Never make this little girl mad. Never make her lightened face become sad. Never give her pain.

Because you only unlock the chains of her silent angel caging inside her world, so never make any stupid move for she will only give one chance ‘til their soul’s checkmate to everlasting agony.

Be sensitive. Be kind. Beware.


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