Chapter 6: Jacob

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As we walked Tertle explained how they had come across Pixie, they were walking when they heard sounds of fighting and they went to investigate, they saw Pixie being preyed upon by several Pokémon and what happened next... well I'll let Glair explain:

"We saw her and had to do something but before I could, Tertle waddled over to them and then gave them the Smack Down! Literally! It was awesome, Tertle is really old but also really strong, he's my hero."

That last part was complete with a dreamy sigh like she was fantasizing or something, that's weird.

I told Glair and Tertle how Pixie and I met and how I had no memory, after that the discussion for the rest of the journey was dull and uninteresting (so I won't bore you with it :D). It was quiet and uneventful, until we reached the crest of a hill overlooking the ocean, another cliff? I'm starting to see a common theme. But this cliff had a cave at the top, it looked small and I could only see one entrance, a narrow path surrounded by high rock walls.

On the ground in between the walls was a large hole, covered over by a grate made of twigs tied together with vines, it didn't look very sturdy, like you could fall right through it.

Glair was bounding along and landed straight in the middle of the grate before bouncing off again, how did she not fall through... I'm not gonna question it.

Then Tertle waddled up and stopped in the middle of the grate, I could see it bending beneath his weight...

"Tirtouga, Clear!"

I jumped, and Pixie almost fell off my back, that was too close. But seriously, what was that? A voice from inside the hole! Tirtouga looked downwards and replied:

"Hey Sheldon, we got guests, two of em, an Eevee and he's carrying a Vulpix, they're with us."

"Copy that."

Tertle moved off the grate and gestured for me to walk over and follow him, I hesitated not trusting those skinny twigs but after he urged me along I quickly walked over and followed him into the cave.

It was dimly lit by a torch on the far wall, in front of it were stairs leading downwards. Going down the stairs I could only focus on one thing, the Tirtouga.

It was falling down the steps. As in, he crawled to the edge, turned side on, tucked himself into his shell and just tipped himself over the edge, rolling all the way down. That explains a lot. It was a spiral staircase and it was very echoey, I heard every time he hit a wall or step until the noises stopped.

By the time I reached the bottom of the steps Tertle was waiting, another dopey smile, he led me along a stone corridor before it opened into a very large and well-lit cavern. There was Pokémon going to and fro all doing different things, my mouth dropped and just about hit the floor.

There were large torches burning in metal brackets along the walls, some walls opened out forming small windows on the cliff face. On the far side were pools of water stacked atop each other forming a pyramid against the caves edge. The ground was a soft soil covered with grass which climbed the walls. I thought Sharpedo Bluff was big, this place was cavernous (pardon the pun).

With a satisfied nod Tertle turned and walked towards a door immediately to the right of the entrance, Glair was standing out front, looking impatient.

"I've been waiting" She whined, Tertle just smiled.

"You need the practice."

She glared at him for that, but he wasn't wrong. Glair knocked on the door and a powerful voice from inside replied.


The door opened, and we walked in to be greeted by a... Simipour.

Huh, was not expecting that, kinda, disappointed.

"Hello, my guys, old friends and new, what can I do for you?"

Tertle took the lead.

"Hello Rio, we found a Vulpix who needs help, this is her Eevee friend."

"Of course, Tertle and Glair why don't you take care of her while I speak to my new friend."

"Yes, sir."

I let them take Pixie from me and stretched as I felt the burden leave my back, they exited the room and I was left with this strange Simipour.

"And what might your name be?"

"Jacob, and you're Rio?"

"Yes indeedy, well Jacob welcome to my humble abode, you and your Vulpix friend may rest here as long as you like, provided you don't kill the good vibes, do that and I'll throw you to the mongrels outside."

The threatening tone, the innocent smile, this was scarily familiar, and it sent shivers up my spine. I rushed to make sure he wouldn't go through with his threat.

"Of course, thank-you, but, what is this place exactly?"

"This is my home, I lived here with my brothers and sisters before what happened three weeks ago, when Pokémon started going wild I got separated from my family, they could be dead, but I believe otherwise. I realised how it affected my family and I guessed that other Pokémon would be struggling, so my home became a stronghold. Many Pokémon use this as their HQ and are making a group effort."

"A group effort at what?"

"Discovering the problem and fixing it, you can join them, but it'll be dangerous, every night before dinner they hold a debrief if you're interested."

Finally, finally I found what I'd been looking for, maybe they'll know something which will bring me one step closer to home. I smiled at the Simipour.

"Perhaps I will."

"Well then you should get some rest before dinner tonight, you have a few hours yet, Glair or Tertle can show you to your digs."

"Thank-you again."

I turned and had reached the door when Rio spoke up again.

"Yo dude, almost forgot, house rules; no fighting, don't be rude or impolite and if you and your pretty little Vulpix pal decide to, 'have fun' tonight, do it quietly."

I felt my ears shoot upwards and my face blush furiously, staring at his stupid smile I very nearly broke the first two house-rules but rather, I rushed from the room without another word.

I was still blushing when I found Glair and Tertle. Glair was all too happy when she noticed my red cheeks.

"Tertle! See the blush on his face, he's happy to see me! Oh, aren't you the cutest!" She rubbed my cheeks with her pincers and nearly crushed my skull, I now realise why Pixie hated it so much.

"Sorry cutie but my heart is saved for another, try not to be too sad, can we just be friends?"

I just got friend-zoned by a delusional Gligar, I've had enough, I need sleep! I let out an annoyed sigh.

"Please just show me to my room."

"Okie dokie!"

The pair led me to a room and left me to get some sleep, before I settled on the bed I noticed Pixie, on a bed on the far side of the room, all signs of injury were gone, and she was sleeping soundly. I had to smile, she's cute when she's asleep, and then she woke up.

First a yawn as she lifted her head, then her eyes opened, and she blinked a few times, then realised who I am.

*Smack! *

"Lights out pervert."

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