The night was dark, the moon shone bright, but it struggled to pierce the thick clouds that broiled above the island. It was only a small island; a hill rose a little way up the centre and at its peak was a stone altar. A rounded platform with a metal podium in the middle, it rose into the air and a lone creature sat cross-legged atop it.
A smaller creature glared at its master.
"Why did you summon me?"
"I grow impatient, the legendary Pokémon in hiding, you will discover their location."
"I'm trying master, soon you will have them."
The beast stared at him.
"I better, because of your incompetence they grow more powerful! Palkia has summoned one to stop me, he is a threat. I will discover who this threat is, then you will find him and eliminate him."
"Yes master."
"Do not make me question your loyalty again, remember what we fight for."
"Of course, my King."
A sliver of moonlight slipped between the cracks of the clouds and illuminated one of the beast's electric blue eyes, it was savage and sent a chill down the spine.
The moon was covered once more, and the island fell to the darkness of night. (Dun Dun Duuuuun!)

Four Paws and A Tale
FanficPokemon fanfic; Jacob was you're standard 17 year old guy when all of a sudden he's not! Will he be able to make it home? I mean the only things stopping him are a pokemon out for revenge, a crazy Vulpix and the need to distort Time Space. Good luck...