Chapter 8: Jacob

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Ugh, man, my neck is killing me, I guess that's what happens when a Vulpix knocks you out cold and leaves you on the floor with your head rolled back. Okay, she's a bitch, but, I suppose I was technically watching her sleep, that's creepy, the hell is wrong with me? Bloody Eevee instincts.

Groaning I walked from the room and down the corridor all the while stretching my stiff neck. In the main atrium an Arcanine stood up on a rock and cleared his throat.

"Your attention please!"

I would not want to get into a fight with him, Pokémon everywhere stopped what they were doing and turned, in front of his platform a crowd was forming amidst which I spotted Pixie standing next to Glair and Tertle. Once the Arcanine was sure of everyone's attention he continued.

"I'll now begin our nightly debrief of the issue at hand; as you know Pokémon all around the world have seemingly lost their mind, we have not yet determined the problem but have discovered a pattern amongst the Pokémon which retained their sanity."

A murmur ran through the crowd, the Arcanine waited for it to settle down before continuing.

"Evolution. Any Pokémon that evolves through gaining experience has gone savage, also, if a Pokémon has already evolved in this manner, it also has lost its mind. It seems the only ones unaffected are those who; don't evolve, or evolve through direct contact with an evolutionary item, for example, stones. Additionally, fossil Pokémon seem to be unaffected."

Questions erupted from the crowd;


"Mother of Arceus!"


"What's going on?"

"Manaphy's Toenails!"

I'm sorry what?

"This is a coverup tell us the truth!"

Ha, it's a conspiracy.

Wow. The angry comments, genuine questions and unusual curse phrases continued to be thrown around, the Arcanine wasn't fazed.

He lifted a mighty paw and slammed it down, the sound echoed loudly off the walls and immediately everyone was quiet.

"I've told you all I can, I'm sorry, for now we'll keep looking into the problem, anyone that wishes to join in our efforts please meet with me before dinner, dismissed!"

The Pokémon dispersed chatting between themselves, I made my way towards Pixie and the others, Glair spotted me first.

"Evening sleeping Gardevoir!"


"Sleeping Gardevoir, it's a very well-known story, don't you know it?"

"Um, oh right, that one, yeah..."

Pixie just rolled her eyes, I ignored it and walked past her, I guess curiosity got the better of her because she asked:

"Where are you going?"

I looked directly at her with a determined stare.

"I'm going to join Arcanine."

Her jaw dropped. I had to have the last say.

"Try to remember unlike you some of us actually care about this world."

This, this right here, was the moment that I realised that having the last laugh may sometimes possibly be, not the best idea.

"Oh, I care, I care about the world, the douche canoes in it, douche canoes like you, that's what I don't care about." (The hells a Douche Canoe?)

We stood there holding an intense glaring competition, I was winning, until Tertle interrupted;

"Now, now, remember, house-rules, no fighting."

He made a good point, I did not want to get thrown out, I sighed before turning around.


I began walking off when Pixie pushed past me.

"What are you doing?"

"Ladies first."

Her reply was snobby and her tone superior which just made me even madder. I actually snarled a little.

"Ladies first for what?"

That was when I realised she was making a beeline towards Arcanine.

"Oh, like hell!"

Then started a very childish and awkward race which consisted of power walking, growling and lots of pushing, we stopped in front of the Arcanine, and I was quick to shout:

"Arcanine! I want to help!"

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