Chapter 13: Jacob

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After Dinner Tertle showed me the baths, it was weird, my first bath as a Pokémon. I jumped in all too happily and immediately my fur became drenched, I walked out shortly after looking like a wet doormat. I shook the water off and my fur puffed up at all angles.

Okay this is ridiculous, that was when I spotted Archie sitting on the other side of the room licking himself clean and running his claws through his fur to make it fluffy. I looked myself over and did the same. It was embarrassing and foreign, but it wasn't that bad and afterwards my fur was so glossy and soft. It felt great.

From there I went back to my room, it was dimly lit by a single flickering torch, I sat in front of the window, Pixie wasn't back yet. Tomorrow I'll finally start getting somewhere. (That sounds familiar...)


I turned my head at Pixie's voice and she stood in the doorway, fur glistening and almost... glowing. Damn, Vulpix are adorable. I snickered and faced the window again.

"Trying to impress a certain someone are we?"

"Ugh, you're such a boy."

"Hey, I'm not judging, in fact, if you need a hand, let me know."

"Why? It's not like you can."

"Not like I can what?"

"Lend a hand, you don't have any."

Oh, right.

"Um, well, a paw I guess?"

She laughed. "Okay thanks."

I sighed and moved to my bed, curling into a ball and placing my head on my tail.

Pixie looked surprised, she moved and sat in front of me.

"What's wrong?"

"What makes you think somethings wrong?"

"That was the single most depressed sigh I have ever heard, so what's wrong?"

"Doesn't Matter."

"Yes, it does."


She rolled her eyes and looked at the ground.

"I can't believe I'm saying this but, -She looked me in the eye now- I wasn't very nice when we met, I even tried to kill you, but you saved my life-

"Twice." She didn't seem happy about my interruption.

"Fine, yes, twice. It's just that, I'm sorry. Maybe you're not the pathetic furball I thought you were."

I thought for a second before responding. "You were actually trying to kill me that time?"

"Ugh, yes, but, I'm glad I failed, don't give me reason to regret it."

"No promises."

She moved to her bed and lay down. "Now with that out of the way, what's wrong?"


"Oh, come on, I won't bite, unless you give me reason too."

Guess there's no harm, I just need to bend the truth a little bit.

"I remembered something."

Her ears pricked up. "Oh yeah?"

"I remembered that, I don't belong here, but I need to help with this, so once we're done, I'm going to go home."

"Well it's not like anyone will miss you, so what's the problem?" The bottom left of her lower lip twitched as she said it.

"I don't know how to get home, I'm grasping at straws and when I do leave, I don't want to hurt anyone. Pixie, promise me, you won't be my friend."

"What's a straw?"

Right, Pokémon, no human expressions.

"It's an expression, it means I don't know what to do, not really. Now please, promise, don't be my friend."

She looked surprised and maybe a little... sad. She got up and walked closer.

"Okay but as you said, no promises." With that she leant down and nuzzled my neck.

I moved like a cat, jumping out of my bed, landing on all fours, back arched, and fur on end.


Did I just hiss?

She looked surprised, I coughed and composed myself.

"Uh, sorry, please, never do that again."

She laughed, "Still no promises" but she returned to lying in her bed. I groaned and walked towards the candle, blew it out and lay down in my bed.

"Uh, Jacob?"


"This is my bed."

Uh... I tailed it out of there (Pun intended) and felt a jaw close on a few hairs of my retreating tail. This time I made sure I was in my own bed all the while whining.

"Really? I spent ages working on those furs."

"You're the one who said he didn't want to make friends."

"Please don't make me regret trying not to hurt you or any Pokémon else."

"Hey, not judging, but it's your loss."

This is just getting ridiculous, time for sleep.

"Night, Pix."

"Now it's a nickname? That sounds too ...Friendly." The emphasis was too much, I groaned, and she giggled.

"Goodnight Pixie."

"G'night Ace."

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