They landed hard, or they would've, if they hadn't landed on more Spring Grass, the grass flung them back up before they came down again. It took a while for them to finally stop bouncing.
When they did stop they moved from the square room they were in, down a corridor and came out into a large open room. The floor was a mixture of sand and grass (normal grass, not springy), a small stream led out of the wall and then back in on the other side, a small stone bridge led over it.
On the far side of the room was a stone platform, floating above the middle of it was a yellow gem, it was the shape of a tear-drop but slightly bigger. It glowed softly and pulsed as the two went nearer.
Glair reached up to grab it, a psychic force pushed her back.
The space in front of the gem glowed yellow, when the light settled a Pokémon floated there, it spoke in a calm voice.
"If it is the Tear of the Prince which you seek, I'm afraid I can't let you take it. Its light protects this temple and all in it from the evil of the Shadow Crystal. Leave, now."
The Cresselia glared harshly at the Gligar and the Tirtouga. Glair stepped forward; "Please Cresselia, we need the Prince's Tear, it's the only way we can stop the Shadow Crystal, and save our friend."
Tertle nodded his agreement, "So you noticed after-all Glair, huh, I guess you might not be the brightest, but when it comes to your friends, nothing gets past you." Tertle looked at Cresselia and continued, "Please Cresselia, our friend, Jacob, he was changed by a Shadow Shard, he's not the same."
Glair started again. "Cresselia, we need the Tear, to save our friend, and the world, please give it to us, please help us."
Cresselia showed no sign of emotion. "I am the Guardian of this sacred treasure, it shall never leave this temple."
Boss Fight... Start!
Tertle fired powerful jets of water at Cresselia, the psychic type repelled the attacks, Glair rushed in going for a Double Hit, Cresselia launched a Psycho Cut, a direct hit flung the Gligar back, she rolled and hit the wall hard.
Tertle fired an Ancient Power and charged with Aqua Jet, Cresselia countered the rocks with Shadow Ball and then covered herself in a soft pink aura. She met Tertle's charge head on. The two flew around the room crashing head first into each other. They collided in the middle of the room, neither willing to budge they pushed each other, back and forth. Tertle couldn't win like this, not against a Legendary.
Glair shot a Poison Sting, it hit the unsuspecting Psychic type in the side, Tertle and Cresselia slipped off their paths and both crashed. Glair flew at the dazed legendary with Steel Wing. A second later twenty Cresselias filled the room. (Double Team, the Mother of all Trolls)
Glair stopped and used Rapid Spin, the sand was thrown around the room, striking and destroying the fakes. She stopped her attack and was struck in the back by an Aurora Beam. Cresselia smirked, but Tertle delivered a powerful Crunch to her neck and she wailed in agony.
Tertle wrapped his fins around the legendary and used his weight to throw them both to the ground, he released his Crunch attack and shouted, "Glair, now!"
Glair was up, running straight at the pair, her claws glowed white and they grew, Guillotine. Time slowed as Glair ran, she raised a claw over her head, ready to deliver the One-hit KO. She was struck by a blast of energy and was flung backwards again.
Cresselia used Psychic to throw Tertle from her back, the injured Tirtouga lay breathing heavily, he was covered in bruises. "Future Sight?"
Cresselia nodded and prepared her final attack. Tertle couldn't get up, no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't move. He was done for. He looked at Glair's unconscious form, "I'm sorry... Old friend."
He closed his eyes and waited. A hum as Cresselia charged her attack, footsteps, the hum stopped. Tertle opened his eyes, before him stood an Absol.
Cresselia and the newcomer glared at each other, they leapt into battle. Cresselia was at a disadvantage, her psychic attacks couldn't hurt the Dark-type. Absol attacked continuously, Night Slash, Dark Pulse, Shadow Claw. The legendary fell before the onslaught, fainted, it collapsed upon the ground.
The Absol turned and looked at Glair and Tertle, then at something behind them, more footsteps, Tertle turned his tired head.
A young Girl stood in the doorway, she had a determined look on her face. She wore black track-pants, a black tank-top with a red trim, her long black hair was tied back, out of her face. (Yes, this is the same girl which Jacob saw at the Lake outside Ardua Castle.)
She returned the Absol to a Poke-ball. She walked forwards, up the platform, and grabbed the gem. A yellow portal appeared where the gem had been, looking into it the outside of the temple could be seen, it must lead back to the entrance.
A small fox-like Pokémon yipped at her and she turned around, the brown Pokémon looked over Glair and Tertle with concern, the trainer smiled and walked back to the two. She knelt in front of them and fed them an Oran berry each, she then turned to the Pokémon.
The Pokémon yipped unhappily, the trainer sighed and moved the Tirtouga and Gligar closer together. The trainer raised an eyebrow at her Pokémon. The Pokémon moved in front of Glair and Tertle, it smiled at them. Glair's eyes watered, she pulled herself up. Tertle smiled as the Gligar struggled to her feet and embraced the fire-fox.
Glair started sobbing; "Pixie!"

Four Paws and A Tale
FanfictionPokemon fanfic; Jacob was you're standard 17 year old guy when all of a sudden he's not! Will he be able to make it home? I mean the only things stopping him are a pokemon out for revenge, a crazy Vulpix and the need to distort Time Space. Good luck...