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"Lu-uke?" I asked nervously. Please don't let it be him please. 

"Yes it's me. Can I meet you somewhere?" He asked demanding. I thought about it for a while and thought about how he listened last time before I began yelling at him. I'm so stupid.. 

"Um sure... Where?" I asked curiously. "Look out of your window" I could hear him smile over the line. What? 

I went upstairs to my room and looked out of the window out to the road. There he stood. Luke.

I smiled right away and all anger from the phone call with Tanya vanished, just like that. Never had I seen anything like it. 

I went downstairs and opened the front door. "Hi" I said shyly. "Hey" He replied while smiling. Suddenly my insecurities took over. How did I look? I had been crying the last two weeks at least once a day. I bet my eyes were totally red and puffy. Oh god no. The only thing I did do was shower that would be disgusting if I didn't shower for two long exhausting weeks. I hadn't been sleeping much at all so I looked absolutely terrible. 

"How do you know where I live?" I asked curiously, I had never said anything to him about it, really I hadn't spoken to him at all really. So why was he so nice to me? 

I could lightly see his face changed colour to a pinky red shade even though it was quite dark. He blushed, I thought to myself. "Um well..." He suddenly got shy. "To be honest I have been hanging out with Alex a lot lately and yeah I kinda asked him.." He looked away to hide that he was shy to admit what he had done. 

"Don't look away, it's okay" I whispered so he barely heard it. "You must think I'm a crazy stalker but honestly I'm not" He looked so serious and I don't know why I did it but I started laughing.

I hadn't laughed the last two weeks at all and anyway I don't laugh that much but this was just so cute that I couldn't not laugh. He stared at me curiously and looked so embarrassed. 

"What did I do?" He asked nervously with his handsome Australian accent. "Oh God I'm such a terrible person, I'm so sorry it was just what you said and you looked so serious like I thought you were a stalker" I smiled at him. 

He then started laughing uncontrollably. I then started laughed again so our laughs echoed out in the cold autumn night. After a while of laughing and smiling to each other we stopped.

"Thank you for making me think about something else" I smiled while looking down. "Well I didn't really do much I was being serious and you started laughing sooo" He let out a small laugh. 

"Yeah about that.." I smiled "I'm sorry haha you just looked so serious and cute" I continued blurting out. 

Shit. Did just say that out loud? "So you think I'm cute?" He winked at me. I felt my whole face turned into a red shade. I was so embarrassed. 

"I... Um I-I d-" I rambled on clearly embarrassed. "I'll take that as a yes" He winked again but afterwards smiled the most gorgeous smile I had ever seen. 

He got closer to me and whispered near my ear, "You're not too bad yourself, Sandy" Did he just compliment me?? I blushed. People don't really compliment me so it came as a big surprise. He saw my reaction and smirked. 

"So will you tell me what happened or?" He looked a bit worried. He was probably worried that I would freak out like last time he asked. "Yeah I guess so if you want to hear me ramble about my horrible life" I looked down at my low top converse. 

"Tell away" He put a hand on my shoulder and led me over to some grass we could sit on.  

I told him everything about what happened to my mom. I shred a tear when I told him that I found my mom dead in her room. I actually think I saw a tear down his cheek aswell.

He looked so intense at me the whole time like he really felt my pain. He also stroked my back with his hands to comfort me. I was a bit uncomfortable because I usually don't let people near me like that but it was a sweet gesture. And it did comfort me so I didn't remove his hand. 

"Wow that was..." He paused. "Very sad... Not even that explains it. I am truly sorry for your loss, Sandy." He looked so sad.

"I can't change what happened unfortunately but thank you for your concern Luke. It means a lot to me and I'm sorry that I rambled on..." I didn't know what to say. 

"Don't say sorry, I don't hope you felt pressured to tell me. Hell if I knew it would be something so horrific then I would never had let you go through all of the pain all over again by telling me" 

"It's okay. I've been hiding these last two weeks and I have to move on at some point" I looked at him. "You are so strong, do you know that? And I know it's hard to believe when everything around you goes wrong but everything does get better. I promise you this. Time heals everything" He looked intense at me. 

Is he right?

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