twenty one

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It's been a week since Luke and I got friends again and in the time that has passed, I have moved. I'm finally away from that boring hotel and I'm now in the pretty apartment, I can call my own. The boys helped me move my stuff even though I didn't have an awful lot of them so I also had to buy some new furniture since I didn't want every piece from my old home.

I try to visit my mother's grave as often as possible but I'm very busy all the time since I now have a place to pay for every month, forcing me to work as much as I can. My mum is on my mind 24/7 but I try to push back the thought or else I would just be a crying wreck all the time.
Right now I'm studying history with coffee next to me. I sit there for about an hour before the door bell rings. I stand up to open the door but the guest just walks in - of course it's Luke. We have spent quite a lot of time together this last week but Ashton, Michael and Calum have usually been around too so we haven't been alone.

"Do come in!!!" I say as sarcastically as possible making him laugh. "I just did" He replies with a sassy tone. I walk over to him and playfully hit him on the arm. "Auch why did you do that?" He asks pretending that it hurt. "Because I can" I stick my tongue out and hit him again. "That's it!" He shouts while holding me by my hips, lifting me up over his shoulder carrying me to the bathroom. "Nooo what are you doing?" I squeal trying to get away, failing terribly. Did I mention how strong he is?
He takes down the shower head and turn on the water - pointing it at me so that I get soaked in water. "No stop please" I shout while laughing my ass off. I try to fight him, managing to take the water on him a couple of times so in the end we stand in the shower with water everywhere, laughing our heads off. His laughter made me laugh even harder and my laugh made him laugh even more and so it went on.
He then turned off the water and I admired his features. "What are you looking at?" He asks when his eyes catches mine off guard. "You of course" I reply simply while smiling.

"You're so beautiful, you know that?" He says with a low raspy voice. I could feel the butterflies in my stomach by his words. Automatically I leaned closer to him until our lips touched, making my heart beat faster. Never have I kissed like this before - with so much passion and lust.
His hands were by my waist and mine were around his neck. We stood like that for a couple of minutes - only shopping when we had to catch our breath. I pull back from the kiss and step out to look at my apperance in the mirror. I have water everywhere - my mascara that I put on today is totally smeared and my hair is soaking wet. Luke then joins me in front of the mirror and starts laughing. "We look terrible" I start laughing.

"Hey talk for yourself, it's not me with makeup everywhere" He smirks. I hit his arm lightly as response. "Do you want the water fight to start again, or?" He ask chuckling referring to me hitting him for fun. "No!!! I have to clean up this mess out here - there's water everywhere" I say not really wanting to clean up but I'll have to.
We then clean up the water of the floor and afterwards I go to change clothes. "I don't have anything to change to" Luke groans. "I would say you could borrow something of mine but I suppose you wouldn't want to?" I smirk at him but start laughing when I see his face impression.

"I brought pizza with meeee" Luke sing songs while walking through the front door of my apartment. He was home to change the wet clothes since he didn't have any here of course.
"Coooooool" I smile while walking over to him. I placed a soft kiss on his lips as a sweet gesture.

We cuddled and watched movies, my head was placed on Luke's chest and it was just the perfect ending on a perfect day.




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