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Sandy's POV:

I woke up in my bed feeling quite weird. How did I end up here? Didn't I fall asleep on the couch? Just then I remembered my night with Luke. Luke! I fell asleep while we watched a movie and he must have carried me up here. 

I then heard a strange sound from the floor which caused me to jump a bit because I got scared. Should I look? I carefully crawled to the end of my bed to see what it was. It's probably just something that fell down. I come to the end of the bed and get a huge surprise when I see Luke laying on a mattress on the floor, fast asleep. 

Well that wasn't what I expected. I looked closer and admired how cute he was sleeping. I was so focused on it that I didn't realise that he opened his eyes lightly after a while of me staring. I was in my own thoughts. 

"You could stare some more, you know" He said with his raspy morning voice, I jumped back in my bed because I hadn't expected him to be awake. "Shit! I thought you were sleeping!" I yelled. 

He started laughing as much as anyone can when they have just woken up. "Well I was until someone decided to stare me down" He now had totally open eyes. "Yeah sorry 'bout that... I just didn't know you were here" I answered looking back at him.

"Yeah... Well I hope you didn't mind me sleeping here, I just thought after last night it would be for the best." He replied lightly smiling. His voice sounded so hot if I have to be honest. I wanted him to talk all the time oops. 

I now remembered all the crying and what had happened. "No it's totally fine, it was a sweet thought but you do know that I can manage on my own right? I'm not some kind of little child who needs someone to look over me all the time" I snapped at him by the last part. 

I could see my words hurt him a bit.. Ugh why am I like this? I just can't stop pushing people away. I'm so stupid! 

"Well I should probably go.." He mumbled while getting up and putting the mattress back where it was. "No please just stay for breakfast, I'm sorry it was rude of me to snap at you like that.." I replied while looking down at my hands. 

I looked up and saw him smiling. "It's okay, I know you had a hard day yesterday because of me. To be honest I deserve it" He shrugged. "No you didn't. I'm just being a bitch" I laughed. He just shook his head while smiling.

I went down to look at what I had for breakfast. I found out that I have nothing because I haven't eaten breakfast myself in a long time. I guess not eating that much is my way of not cutting anymore.. I haven't hurt myself in that way since Luke saw me nearly cutting and luckily stopped me.

If Luke hadn't been there with me yesterday I probably would have cut after seeing my mom's death place. Again he's there for me. 

I go upstairs again and tell Luke that there's nothing to eat. "We could go to some café or something?" He suggested. I didn't really feel like eating but I decided to say yes for a change. "Let me just get ready first then, you can just watch tv or something" I smiled. "Actually I think I will go home to change clothes. I kinda fell asleep with my clothes on" He grinned. 

After Luke left, I quickly changed into a pair of black skinny jeans and a dark grey tee. I decided to put a leather jacket over because of the weather looking a bit grey even though it is Spring. I removed the smeared makeup from yesterday and put on some mascara, concealer and a dark purple tinted lip balm. 


We went into a little café not too far away. We decided to walk since we wanted to wake a bit more up - we were really tired. 

An elder woman came over to us so we could order. "I would like a cup of coffee and the pancakes with sirup" Luke ordered first since I had no idea what to get. "What about you darling?" She asked me with the kindest voice. 

"Uhm" I looked at the menu again. There was so much to choose from! "I'll just take the same as him" I replied smiling to her. She scribbled our orders down but before she left she said "Must I mention how cute a couple you two are!" She smiled and walked away. 

Luke's POV:

Well that was embarrassing. Fuck what should I say now to Sandy? This is so awkward. I looked at her and she was looking down completely red in her face of embarrasment. I think I must be too because when she looked up at me she started giggling.

"What??" I asked confused. "You're completely red in your face" She still laughed. "Well I'm sorry to ruin your moment but you are too!" I laughed back. 

"That was awkward" She giggled refering to the elder lady who thought we are a couple. "Very!" I laughed. 

I was embarrassed by what happened but also happy because the elder lady really did think we are a couple and that must mean something

We talked until the food came and laughed nearly all the time. 

I'm falling for her, and I'm falling for her fast. 




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