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We get inside totally full up by the delicious food we just ate and see where Luke is. "I'll go upstairs to see if he's there" I tell the guys giving them a small smile.
I walk up the white modern stairs and go down to the end of the hall where Luke's room is. It's closed so I knock - just to be polite, I hate when people barge in to my room so I never do it to others. Half a minute passes or so before the door opens up revealing Luke looking very tired. "Can I come in?" I ask getting impatient. He nods and I walk in his room with a fast speed. "What is it?" He asks like he isn't bothered with anything. "Well don't you think we should talk?" I look up at him while sighing. He groans and sits down on his bed, me doing the same. "If we're going to talk about yesterday then honestly I can't be bothered" He doesn't look at me. "What's wrong??" I ask starting to get annoyed with the way he is acting. He has never been this weird before.

"Oh my god can you just stop for a minute? You just can't stop talking can you? I'm not in the mood for talking or going out to fucking breakfast when I have a hangover and feel like utter shit, do you not get that?!?!?" He shouts and now he is standing up, facing me. I get in shock and don't know what to say back so I look down at my hands and look up at him again. "Don't be such an asshole this is ridiculous" I say quietly, shaking my head while I'm on my way out of his room.

Well that sure went smoothly. Something else must be wrong because if what he just shouted was the only thing bothering him then he wouldn't have freaked out like that.

I walk downstairs into the living room where the boys are playing video games. "Hey.. Soooo what happened?" Ashton asks nervously. "Nothing much really, he just freaked out and I walked away" I answer truthfully. "He's probably just in a bad mood" Calum shrugs, trying to defend Luke. "Yeah well I'm going to head back now - I'm moving in a few days and I need to sort everything out" I smile. "I'll drive you" Michael insists so I follow him out to the car and we drive to the hotel that I'm getting really tired of. I can't wait to move into that apartment!

I say goodbye to Michael and step inside the hotel room. I decide to watch American Horror Story and of course I get scared. I always get scared somehow by it but I just can't stop watching it. After a couple of hours I stop watching it and go take a shower. I have already taken one today but I feel like taking another one.
The warm water feels good on my skin and I don't want to get out. I start singing small parts of different songs as I always do. In the end I have to step out of the little shower even though I could stay there forever. I put on some shorts and put on Calum's hoodie over. I must bring it back as soon as possible.

I step out of the bathroom into the dark hotel room and scream the moment I see a figure standing, looking out of the window. My scream makes the person turn around and I immediately notice that it's Luke. What the fuck?

"It's just me.." Luke says in a raspy voice, stepping closer to me. "How the hell did you get in here??!?" I ask confused. "I knocked on the door but you didn't answer so I went to the window and saw it was open, so I went in. Don't forget to close the window when you shower next time" He smirks at the end. "You scared the hell out of me" I say, still feeling my heart beat really fast. "Well sorry but I needed to get in here - I was about to go into the bathroom but I figured I shouldn't disturb your singing session" He smirks once again. "Very sassy today are we?" I smirk back at him.

"Why are you here Luke?" I ask confused. "To do this" He replies simply while getting even closer and putting his hand up to my cheek. He slowly caress my cheek with his thumb before pulling closer until our lips meet. To start with its slow and gentle but then we start making out and there's so much passion and lust in the kiss. When we pull back to breathe I feel my cheeks burning and the butterflies in my stomach fluttering.
He bites his lower lip, taking in his lip ring making me feel weak. He is so attractive.
"Sorry for being such an idiot earlier" He whispers. "I just wanted to know what was wrong" I smile. I can't stay mad at him and definitely not after that kiss. "I know, I know I'm just really grumpy when I've had too much to drink. And I don't know I just remembered how you were dancing with Thomas and it kinda made me jealous" He looks down to the ground.
I cringe when I remember how badly I was trying to make Luke jealous and how he remembers but at least it worked.

"Yeah well do you remember what happened afterwards?" I ask a bit embarrassed of my actions yesterday. He looks me directly in the eyes, smiling like an idiot. "Of course, even though I was drunk I couldn't just forget it" He blinks.
God why was he so charming?! I smile by his words. "So we're all good now, no hard feelings?" I ask simply. "No hard feelings" He smiles while reaching out his hand, I then take my hand to his and we shake hands and end up laughing afterwards.
We then just talk for a couple of hours of everything and nothing. I tell him about the apartment and get all excited and he offers to help me move when the time comes which I accept of course.

I don't know where Luke and I are - if we are friends or more but right now I'm just happy to be talking with him again and then I'll take one day at a time.

hope you liked this chapter :-)

Twitter ~ @lukesadore

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