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I woke up with my head pounding terribly. After a while of slowly waking up, I sit up and look where I am since I can't remember much from last night. To my surprise I am in a living room but not just any living room, it was the boys' place. Luke, Michael, Calum and Ashton were all laying on the floor fast asleep. Luke and Calum were laying directly on the floor with no mattress under them while Michael and Ashton had a whole mattress each for themselves.
How did we end up here?
I suddenly remember Luke and I's make out session and get embarrassed when I remember that I tried to make him jealous with Thomas. Even though I have a terrible head ache and feel like throwing up, I decide to go upstairs to take a shower.

I felt a little weird taking a shower here but honestly I didn't care I needed to get clean. I step in and let the steaming hot water refreshen me while I try to remember what happened after we kissed but fail. I simply can't remember. I get out of the shower and put on yesterday's clothes since I don't have any extra with me of course. I didn't think I would get that drunk..

When I get downstairs I see Calum is awake, scrolling through his phone. He looks up and I can see that he is somewhat surprised but also happy to see me, I know he can't remember anything either - I don't think anyone of us can to be honest because what I slightly remember is that we drank loads. "I would say that yesterday was the best night ever but I can't remember anything soooo" Calum chuckles and I join him right after he says it.

I go out to the kitchen to make some coffee, I think we need it. After a couple of minutes, Calum joins me and begins to chat away. "So I can sense that you and Luke got your shit together" He slightly laughs. "And what makes you so sure about that?" I smile. "Well you wouldn't be here if you were still weird around each other" He smiles. "Yeah you're right about that" I respond. We sit at their kitchen table discussing what we think happened but we can't seem to agree on anything. We suddenly hear the TV turn on with a really loud volume which makes them groan in the living room.

We decide to join them and when the three boys see me next to Calum they all get surprised. "Sandy?!?! You're here?" Ashton and Michael both say shocked while Luke just stares at me with a surprised face. I start laughing at their reactions. "You guys don't remember anything either, do you?" I smile at them. They all shake their heads. "We can't remember anything either" Calum laughed.

"Ugh I feel like shit" Michael groans. Luke hasn't said a word and is just laying there scrolling through his phone. We all just sit in silence for a bit - all recovering from our hangovers. After a while I get bored and want to do something. "Sooooo I was wondering if we could go to some place who makes breakfast? I'm actually really hungry" I say trying to break the silence. Michael, Ashton and Calum accept but no words from Luke. We all sit and wait for his answer. "I won't come" Luke says sternly which I think surprises us all. "Why not?" Ashton asks, "C'mon dude we all need some air anyways" Michael says clearly annoyed with Luke.

What's his problem anyway? I don't know if he remembers our kiss yesterday but he could at least come. "I'm not feeling well" He snaps which makes me snort. I'm annoyed now. "Don't you think we are feeling like crap too?" I say annoyed like what the fuck? "I'm just not coming okay?!?" He raises his voice and goes upstairs.
"What the hell is wrong with him?" Ashton asks surprised. "Let's just go" Michael says but then I look down myself and see my dress from yesterday. "Wait could I maybe borrow a hoodie or something?" I ask pointing down to my outfit. They all chuckle and Calum takes me upstairs to find one of his hoodies.
We walk to the restaurant since its close by their house. I order a ham and cheese omelet and the boys order the same. There was a lot to choose from but we all just wanted something basic. We small talked while eating and laughed a lot. "So how's you and Luke?" Ashton asks me seriously. "Well to be honest I don't have a clue, I thought we were okay but after this morning, I don't really know.." I look down at the table.
"You should talk to him Sandy" Calum smiles. "I know I know and I will later but if he is being an asshole then I don't want to" I say half for fun half seriously.

After a while we walk home and suddenly Michael says something really sweet. "I'm really happy you're hanging out with us again, we were really afraid that you didn't want anything to do with us, we all really care about you Sandy, we hope you know that" His smile and words warms my heart and I really feel wanted. I look to Ashton and Calum and I can see that they agree with Michael. "GROUP HUG" I yell and we all hug like some crazy idiots.
"I care about you dorks so much" I giggle when they pull away like they are offended. "You know I'm joking, you're not dorks only a bit" I laugh because Michael is putting his hand on his heart like it really made him sad. Calum jumped up in Ashton's arms pretending to cry with Ashton. "Stop it you guys you know I don't mean it like that, I love you cuties" I laugh and now they can't hold their mask either so they laugh with me. "We love you toooo" Ashton sing songs.

I really don't know what I would do without these boys they are literally my best friends and I'm so happy that I met them. Of course I feel the same about Luke but he is acting weird lately like yesterday we kissed and today he was really grumpy. I don't get him. I really need to talk to him and it has to be today.

sorry if it was a bit boring - it was just a filler but please don't forget to vote, comment and share bc it makes me really happy and makes me want to write more
ok bye ily

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