15. I Need You

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Yoongi turned his head towards door and saw Hoseok standing there. He didn't know what was happening. But he growled when he felt taehyung approaching. He hid Jimin in sheets who then whined and clutched alpha's arm tightly. Yoongi turned towards taehyung to attack.

"Get out!!! " He growled. He couldn't get up with Jimin clinging to him.

"A-alpha don't goooooo!!! " Jimin whined.

"No Jimin you don't want this. I promise chim. You don't want this." Taehyung let out a cry. Hurriedly stepping forward.

" No yoongi don't you dare touch tae "Hoseok stopped yoongi from attacking his omega when he saw YoonGi glaring taehyung with red glowing eyes.

"Yoongi come back to your senses. Chim don't deserve this treatment. You don't deserve this pure soul. "
Hoseok begged.

"He is mine. M-my omega" yoongi growled.

"No yoongi. He isn't yours. Don't taint him. I think he don't want his first time to be ruined due to your lust. You also don't want this. You will regret this. " Hoseok said getting angry.

This caused yoongi to snap. His eyes widened when he took account of the situation he got himself into. He gently laid Jimin back in bed untangling himself from Jimin and covered him with sheets. And ran out of the room.

" No no no Yoonie come back "Jimin tried to follow yoongi but was hugged tightly by taehyung.

"Hobi. Follow yoongi hyung he looked really hurt. He wasn't thinking. " Taehyung said to Hoseok and Hoseok left the room immediately.

Jimin was sobbing now.

"Tae,,, Want Yoonie.. Nowwww" he whined.

"No chim. You are going home with me. And we'll talk about it at home. Now wear your clothes " taehyung deadpanned.

"D-dont wannaaa "He tried to throw a tantrum.

"I'm never letting you meet yoongi again then. Now wear your clothes " taehyung said and got up to check on yoongi.

when Jimin sulkily moved towards his jeans. Taehyung went to lounge to find Hoseok sitting on couch.

"I think yoongi's went outside to clear his mind. " Hoseok said. Taehyung noded his head and said" I'm taking chim home. You stay here with yoongi hyung. He might need you. "At this he pecked alpha and went towards yoongi's room to pick Jimin.

Jimin was ready to go. He didn't let taehyung touch him when they were going out of yoongi's apartment. Jimin glanced around but felt disappointed when couldn't find certain Alpha.

"We need to talk. When we get home. " Taehyung said when he started the car.

Jimin shivered sensing the coldness in his best friend's tone.

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