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~2 years later

“I’m home!” Jimin breathlessly shouted, rousing Yoongi from his work-induced haze. The front door clicked shut as Yoongi pushed himself away from his desk and stood rather unsteadily. He must’ve been in the same position for two straight hours. He left his office and walked to the kitchen to greet his mate.

“Hey, sunshine. Have any trouble getting those bags up here?” Yoongi asked, taking in Jimin’s haphazard appearance and heavy breathing.

“It’s not the groceries, hyung. It’s the fact that the damn elevator is still broken, and I had to carry six bags up four flights of stairs.” Jimin sighed, dropping the groceries onto the counter.

“I think it’s about time we moved,” Yoongi said, stepping closer to help unpack and put away the food. They were living together for a while now.
Jimin groaned. “God, now my back hurts.”

Yoongi snorted in amusement. “You’re real fragile these days.”

Jimin shrugged and ran a hand through his soft pink hair, visibly drained from his outing. “Maybe you could start carrying me around. It’d really lessen the pain” Jimin said innocently, watching as Yoongi shuffled around the kitchen.

“It’s gonna take a lot more than a few aches and pains for me to carry you anywhere. That ass adds a lot of extra weight.”

“That’s probably the nicest compliment you’ve given me in a week” Jimin gasped.

Yoongi rolled his eyes and began unwrapping the second bag. “Have fun shopping, princess?” He questioned with a smirk. Jimin hummed, leaning heavily on the counter, lips slightly pouted in thought.

“It wasn’t too bad. Tae-hyung called me, so we talked for the better part of an hour. It was mostly complaints on his end, though. He swears this pregnancy’s harder than the first. And he’s getting bigger quicker. Apparently he’s already got a visible bump. After only three months, hyung.” Jimin said.

“I don’t see why he’s whining so much. It was his decision to go off birth control. And a year after his first was born, Seems a little too ambitious to me. Or maybe Arrogant. Yeah,” Yoongi mused.

“He just wants his kids to be close in age, so they can connect better since he was deprived of that. I’m sure there’s a science behind it. Besides, Taemin’s a year and half. He’ll be two when his sibling gets here. I think that’s a reasonable enough gap,” Jimin argued lightly.

“Well, I’m not babysitting two kids,” Yoongi stated stiffly.

“Fine. I will. Taemin’s an angel. I’ll spend as much time with him as I can,” Jimin said, sticking up his nose. “Oh, that toy truck in the third bag to your left is for him. Tae says he’s into moving toys lately. I can’t wait to give it to him. He’ll be so excited, hyung. He is so cute. I just wanna squeeze him” Jimin said in adoration, eyes dreamy.

Yoongi chuckled and arched a brow. “You’re really going to spoil him.”

“He deserves it,” Jimin smugly insisted.

“You’re not going to have any spending money left over for—” Yoongi’s words died in his throat as he opened a new bag. “When we have kids of our own,” Yoongi had meant to say. But then he saw the box, and his breath Hitched. Jimin glanced at him curiously, confused by his sudden silence. Then he noticed what Yoongi had discovered, and froze in turn.

“Minie,” Yoongi mumbled, slowly pulling out the small box of pregnancy tests. “Is this…”

Jimin gaped, blood rushing to his cheeks as he struggled to explain. “I-I was telling tae about my recent nausea, and the weird pains. The random weight gain and spike in moodiness. He suggested I buy some tests, just to see if m-maybe, possibly, I was, y’know.” Jimin bit his lip, then wearily met Yoongi’s eyes.

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