40. 21st century girls

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Yoongi awoke the next day, happy to breathe in the scent of Jimin’s apartment as he remembered that he was in his boyfriend’s bed. A smile stretched at his lips before he even opened his eyes, and he rustled in the bed, stretching out his arms and legs before turning on his side and peering his eyes open. A soft light was filtering into the room despite the blinds being closed, and Jimin was asleep on his side, facing Yoongi with his arms tucked in front of him. He had fallen asleep in one of his silk robes, the cream colored one with little pink and blue flowers, and it was barely hanging on him, most of his chest exposed and the sleeves twisted and pushed up due to his movements in sleep.

The boy was barefaced, his cheeks puffy and adorable as his face was completely relaxed in sleep, his pretty, soft pink lips parted as soft breaths escaped him. His hair was messily strewn over his forehead, some falling into his eyes, and Yoongi gently reached over to stroke the hair out of his face. Jimin hummed under his touch, and peeked an eye open.

“I didn’t mean to wake you, beautiful,” Yoongi said in his mumbly, barely coherent morning voice.

Jimin sniffed a smile, bringing his hand to rub his eyes. “S’okay, hyung. It’s always nice waking up to you.”

Yoongi smiled too, moving his hand from the boy’s hair to his ear, lightly playing with one of the earrings he was wearing. “So, you got any plans tonight?”

Jimin scrunched his nose. “You think I would make plans with anyone else when I have you to make plans with?”

Yoongi let out a soft laugh at this, although deep down he loved the reassurance of being Jimin’s priority. He scooted closer to the boy. “Well, I know you like to spend most nights out with your omega friends, I wouldn’t want to stop you from going out with tae and Jin hyung.”

Jimin scrunched his face up even more before letting out a laugh. “No way, hyung. Why’re you asking, though?”

Yoongi gently tugged at Jimin’s earlobe. “I thought maybe I could take you on a date.”

He was surprised at how the boy’s eyes widened, his cheeks flushing dramatically. He blinked and looked down at the bedsheets.

“Y-you wanna take me on a date?”

Yoongi couldn’t help but chuckle, even if he was confused at his usual brat of a boyfriend growing shy. He moved his hand down Jimin’s jawline until it rested under his chin, prompting him to meet Yoongi’s eyes again.

“Of course I want to take my boyfriend on a date,” he said, and when Jimin didn’t respond, he caved a little more. “I know we normally just end up hanging out at our apartments—but I’ve missed 5 years trying to run away, baby, and I thought maybe you’d like an excuse to get dressed up real pretty.”

Jimin bit his lip as a faint smile started to form. He glanced down at the sheets again before back to Yoongi, his cheeks still rosy and blushing. “Okay, hyung.”

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