A mirror and a necklace

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Nagini wandered through the castle, looking for a place where she felt less miserable.
No matter where she went, only talkative portraits and deadly silence. She had gotten used to the chaos of floors that was Hogwarts and she had began to love it. She had always loved things who were not ordinary, or people. Her heart began to ache in the second she thought about Credence. She had learned a while ago that names were nothing, just sticks and stones to hit people with. Maledictus.... That was one of the things they called her. Even Nagini was just a definition of what she was, half woman half snake. She understood Credence need for a family, but she knew that a family did not have to be the people you shared a name with. Those people, where you felt home when they were around you. A name would not help Credence find his family, she knew. A name did not determine who you really were. And she had told Credence this, but he had not heard. No matter if he regretted this now, she would never forget that he had left her. Not because of what he had done, actions could be forgiven, as long as they were not unbearable and cruel. But she would never forget the way it made her feel. Betrayed, all alone with strangers. She broke apart for a second, there and then.

It had been Credence idea to leave the circus. Simply, because Nagini would have never dared to leave. Because freedom seemed scary to her sometimes. And it was, right now.
Nagini opened the next door of the room nearest to her. If only she would be able to see Credence face, then maybe she could accept that he had never wanted her to feel this way. It had always been a curse to be able to understand humans, to Nagini. She had learned her whole life to put herself into other people's shoes and now.... She did not even have a reason to be angry. She understood why he had done it, why it had been necessary for him. If only she could see him again.

Nagini opened the door to the classroom, expecting it to be empty, so she could cry on her own. But no. It was neither a classroom nor was it empty.

It was  a room, stuffed with many and many things, left by students for hundreds and hundreds of years. And in the middle of the room stood a mirror. In front of it sat none of other than Albus Dumbledore, staring into it as if he could see into the future through it.

„Hello, Sir", Nagini said.
„Oh, good that you're here. I needed to talk to you anyways", Dumbledore said, but his gaze was still focused on the mirror. Nagini would not have guessed him to be fond of mirrors, but she thought that judging would not help her in her situation.
„You were right-", she began, but was cut off by the professor.
„I've got something for you. Something I found in the corner of my office just now. I hid it there, for a long time. But I guess, I don't need it anymore and keeping it out of sentiment would not be the best idea.", Dumbledore whispered and pulled something out of the pocket of robe. It was a necklace, silver and triangle shaped with a straight line and a circle inside it.
„Thank you, but I don't need a present. Why would you give me a present?", Nagini asked but Dumbledore just handed her the necklace, moved from the mirror and made space, so she could stand in front of it.
„Put it on and look into the mirror. I've come to the conclusion that this is the solution to your problem.", Dumbledore said mysteriously and waited for her to put the necklace on.
The metal felt cold on her skin, but calming. She had always preferred cold over heat and darkness over light.

Finally, she looked into the mirror, expecting to see her own reflection but was greeted by a familiar face. She was about to scream, until she understood. This was a magic castle. She had wished to see Credence and apparently, the mirror listened.
For a few seconds, she stared at her beloved, tried to remember his face so she would never forget it. And then she saw the necklace on his neck. It was the same necklace that she was wearing.

„This necklace... I thought I had lost it years ago, but just a few days ago, I found it. A note was attached to it, and I assume it was written by Grindelwald. The note said 'Give it to Nagini, it's Credence only wish'
And at First, I found it strange. Why would Grindelwald give us the opportunity to find him, but then I realized, that none of you two would use it to catch the other. Because for lovers, the loved one becomes more important than anything else, sometimes even the rest of the world. Not even good or evil would make you two betray each other. Grindelwald saw that and gave you the opportunity to meet. Touch the necklace, and Credence will come to you.", Dumbledore whispered and then left the room.

Nagini had so many questions on the tip of the tongue. But she was certain now that there had been a time, where even Albus Dumbledore had seen someone else more important than wrong or right. She knew that he was regretting that but apparently also missing him. The mirror was showing the deepest wishes of your heart, Nagini realized. And Dumbledore apparently stayed in front of it hours and hours, thinking back to a time where he had been in love. A special someone, someone who had given him a necklace once, a necklace so he could call him any time. A necklace that had disappeared and was now sent back.

She stayed there, in front of the mirror until she could not stand not being able to touch Credence anymore. She covered the mirror up with a blanket laying beside it. And then she touched the necklace.

Nagini did not dare to open her eyes until she heard his voice.
Nagini. I am so sorry"
He could not even finish sentence before she ran into his arms and had kissed him. And for a moment, they were just two people who were in love with each other. For a moment, really, they forgot that they were on different sides. And that had been worth it. Worth all the pain.

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