You never met a monster you couldn't love

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So I thought of how Tina and Newt tried to protect Credence in the first movie and that he almost felt like a son for Tina and I think that goes for Newt too.
So I thought of Theseus caring for Nagini too....
„Hey! Are you alright? What are you doing here??", he shouted at the girl sitting next to a tree, her eyes closed. He didn't remember her name, but she was that snake girl, he thought.

For a few seconds, he waited for her to wake up, but she didn't wake. She could not be dead, could she??? Theseus took the girl's pulse. Not strong, but still alive.
He decided that it was best to take her back to Hogwarts. He had never been a healer, more a fighter, but he would definitely not let her stay here and let whatever had attacked her come back to kill her again.
Theseus took a deep breath and then lifted the young girl up. Luckily, he had been in the forrest even more often than his brother, of which Newt did not know.
On his way out, Theseus thought of why she had been there. She could of course be sleeping, which would be good, because it was in the middle of the night, but her pulse would not be this weak if she was just sleeping.
Maybe she had fainted?
What did the auror's guide for every Situation say about fainting people? Position on back, Check breathing, wait for them to wake up, he remembered as he finally passed through Hogwarts gates.

"Professor, she fainted and I found her. What can we do about her?"
Dumbledore looked down at Theseus, stern look, but as he realized that he was not Newt, he began to smile.
„Oh, Theseus.", he just said, nothing more, as he summoned a couch for the snake girl to lay on.
Theseus tasted regret on his tongue, as bitter as the dark chocolate he used to love. But he had his pride, he would not speak up now. He would not admit that Dumbledore had been right and that if he had listened to him and not attacked Grindelwald, Leta would still be alive.

„Who is she? I don't even know her name", Theseus said, avoiding the other topic carefully.
„Nagini. Have you tried using magic on her?"

Theseus had no idea why Dumbledore was still awake, but maybe he did not want to know.
„Can you leave me alone with her, thank you for the couch, but I saved her so...", Theseus said. He just did not want to talk to Dumbledore. He had always felt inferior, small and stupid under his cold gaze and Theseus did not like feeling small.

But Dumbledore respected his wish and went out of the room, which he had given Theseus to care for Nagini in.
Rennervate.", he pointed at her with his wand and whispered the incantation.
Suddenly, Nagini opened her eyes, fear sprinkling in the warm brown.
„Who are you?", she asked immediately.
„I'm Theseus Scamander, Newt's Brother.", he said and Nagini nodded calmly, and laid back again.

„What did you do in the forrest? It's in the middle of the night and it's pretty dangerous in there", Theseus said. The girl nodded, as if she had the word dangerous way too often in her life.
„I could ask you the same thing", she whispered, smiling.
Theseus couldn't help but smile back.

He liked this girl, she seemed like exactly the kind of person he would be friends with.
To be sure, he had to ask her a question:
„Weren't you scared of the dangerous monsters in the forrest?"
Because not only did she remind him of himself, she also reminded him of...

Nagini gave up trying to relax or fall asleep and she pointed at Theseus. He followed her advise and sat on to the bed next to Her.

„I thought it would be better if you sat down.", she winked at him. Definitely something he would have said.
„Go on and tell me", Theseus tried to encourage the girl while handing her a coup of coffee he had summoned from the kitchens.

„I'm simply not scared, because my view is that you should only be scared if there is something frightening. Most of these creatures just want to live in peace", she said and Theseus was sure now.
She reminded him of Leta too.
And the next thing she said was even more like Leta.
„I am convinced that I am the most terrifying thing in that whole forrest or least equally cruel", she said.

Theseus reminded himself of how Newt had told him of Credence and that he needed to free him, that he and Tina had always let the need to care for him. And that he had been like their son.
And Theseus thought that he was living through almost the same thing.

„Listen, you're not a Monster. You are not."

Nagini had tears in her eyes as she said: „But I will kill hundreds of people, innocents! I am a monster, I will turn into a snake! And not only that!", she shouted.

„You're not a Monster. There are no monsters-", Theseus was cut of by Nagini, who had stood up, tears running down her cheeks.

„Do you know what a horcrux is?", she whispered, her voice low because of her tears and probably because she was tired.

„Of course", he answered. There were certain words every auror knew. They were on a black list and every person using them oculi be investigated immediately.
„You know... I was in the forrest, because I love the nature. And... The centaurs told me my future. I'm going to be a horcrux and not just some average dark wizard's horcrux, no....The horcrux of the darkest wizard of all time", the horror in her voice almost made Thesus stumble.
„Grindelwald?", he gasped.
Nagini shook her head.

Theseus realized that it had been good that he had sat down. But now he stood up, he would not let all of this happen again. They say history repeats itself. And it would, if Theseus would not do anything.

„Do you know what happened to my wife?", Theseus pointed at the engagement ring on his finger.
„She died, didn't she?", Nagini recalled.
„Yeah and you know what was one of the last things she said? She said that she was a monster. And after her death, I realized that she was wrong about that. I learned something from my brother: There are no monsters. Only beasts, as all else, who want to be loved.", he paused and hugged Nagini.
„If a part of a dark magicans soul was inside you, it is not your fault. Once you are an animal, the only thing that counts is survival, not good or bad. But for humans, I have learned, applies one thing: When you are loved, you will never be a monster, because there is still one person who believes in the good in you. My wife died, she died as a hero, the hero she always was for me. And as long as you are still human, let me be the one who believes in you. I am all alone and...", Theseus went silent, it felt way too painful to say it outloud.

If Credence was like a son for Newt, than Nagini was Theseus daughter. And Letas daughter. Because Leta had always wanted to have a daughter.

Nagini understood him. And then she whispered something in his ear: „I will be happy. And I think you'll be happy too."

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