A good man shows no mercy

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She had always known the universe had something against her, but now that she had paid part of her soul for happiness, it better stick to its promises.

Credence looked desperate.
„He'll find us, he always does.", he muttered but Nagini just rolled his eyes at him,

„He needs you. Without you, he's nothing. He can't kill Dumbledore without you. He will have to do what you want him to. As far as I know, Gellert Grindelwald is still a human. Humans can die, Credence. If he follows us in any way, I'll kill him.", Nagini said.
And she meant it. She thought about telling Credence of his future, but she knew that it was not a good idea it had cost her so much, he shouldn't have to go through the same.

„You would try to kill him? For me?", Credence voice was shaking. He was probably still doubting his worth.

Nagini knew that she would not only try, she would be successful. She was Nagini, greatest companion of Lord Voldemort and in her veins did not only flow the blood of a snake, but also the rage of a woman who had almost lost her lover. Just for once, she would be happy, and she would fight for it.

„I'd burn down the whole world for you", she whispered and prayed for him to finally decide. She was sick of living in uncertainty. Anything, no matter what, she heard her voice inside her head. Anything for Credence.

And Credence, the kind boy and the Monster in one, only looked at her and said, without missing a beat: „I'd do the same."
He took a deep breath, before he pulled the necklace over his head, took it off and threw it away.
„I guess we won't need those anymore", he concluded, smiling at her.
Nagini did the same and later, two necklaces would be found laying in the grass where they had been standing.

He took her hand and a second later, with a loud noise, they disappeared.

He was proud of Nagini, proud because she was so clever. There weren't many places that were truly save from Grindelwald. But there was one location he had never considered. One place he would never attack.

Credence knocked onto Hogwarts door, as loud as he could. Less than ten seconds later, the gate was opened by someone whose face had some similarities with Newts, but was not quite the same.
Nagini hugged the man in front of them.

„This is Theseus. He's a friend.", she introduced.
The name sounded familiar.
„You're the husband of the woman, who was not my sister... The one who died... Leta Lestrange, right?", he asked.

Theseus nodded.
„Do you want to talk to Newt? Tina?", he asked.
„I'd like to talk to Professor Dumbledore", Credence said.

„Oh, he'll come back.", he ensured Abernathy, who had the task to wait for Credence.
„How can you be so sure about that?", Vinda asked.
Grindelwald smiled.

„Trust me. He'll return, he'll remember his master and the promises he made.", he said calmly.
„But he's got his girlfriend, he doesn't need more"
„His girlfriend will soon turn into a snake. Besides, when you're on the right side, you should not doubt that you are right. Credence will soon find out that I am right.

„He'll talk to Dumbledore. Surely, he will argue with him, ask about Ariana and why he was left all alone. He will rage awhile and then he will remember that the Dumbledores were the people that sent him away, which led to his adoption. I couldn't possibly be the villain in his story, you see, Vinda?"

But Vinda visibly did not understand.
„What do you mean by that?", she asked, her thoughts were running wild.

„The villain is the person who leaves the hero all alone in a dark tower, the one who puts him in this danger and is also responsible to an extent, for the obscurus inside him. Now guess who came and saved the poor boy, the one who made his wish of becoming a wizard, come true?", Grindelwald smiled victoriously.

„You.", Vinda said.

„See. It doesn't matter if I really am right, but Albus Dumbledore was always insecure deep down. If someone is full of themselves, they must have a reason, they must be right, your brain tells you. The truth is, I just don't know better. My conscience died years ago.", he said it as if it was something to be proud of. But Vinda Rosier understood him better than he would have thought. It might have been a mistake telling her about him and Albus.

„It died with Ariana, didn't it? Please...", she begged and Grindelwald already knew what was to come. Humans were so sentimental, he hated that trait he also possessed, but hid.

„You want me to run after Credence? Now why should I do that? Sweet sentiment, anchored in your soul. If he dies, he's a victim for the greater good. I only want him to kill Albus for me."
But Vinda raised her eyebrows.
Albus? Sentiment, sweet sentiment is all that keeps you together, Gellert. You know that Albus Dumbledore will die by his own conditions. You can't kill him, neither can Credence."
Grindelwald protested.
„He's weak, he's emotional and listens to his heart too much-"
But Vinda cut him off.
„Maybe, if you would've listened to your heart, you wouldn't let a kid fight for you today."
"I told you, emotions are clouding his judgments, just like his sentiment. I might not be merciful, I might be brutal and cruel, but my vision is clear. I will be greater than any wizard before me.", Gellert said, holding his head up high, as if he was a king.

Vinda Rosier took a deep breath, knowing that saying this might be risky. But she had to be honest, for once, or the boy would die and Grindelwald possibly with him.
„He's sentimental and he's still a better wizard than you could ever be. Maybe mercy won't make you weaker, maybe it makes you stronger?"

He froze for a moment, took a deep breath and then said: „You win. I haven't seen Albus in centuries. Might be a good idea to visit him."
Vinda smiled. Maybe he was not so cruel after all.

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