Relationship advice from a snake

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Nagini needed a place where she was completely alone. Somewhere, where she could think. Somewhere where she could scream without Credence noticing. Because if he found out, they would both have a reason to cry and scream. Credence was talking to Dumbledore again, and she had nowhere to go. She wandered through the castle and ended up in the girl's bathroom.
Tears were running down her cheeks and s she was sobbing and leaning against one of the walls, she was joined by a woman, with sad eyes.

„Some boy got you messed up, right?", she asked Nagini, who nodded.

„They all come here. All the sad girls, complaining and I've come to the conclusion that living humans are only able to attack or be attacked. But I'm still here sobbing with them, sobbing over the mistakes I made and over one stupid boy who could not accept my decision."

„Are you still sad? After so many years?", Nagini asked the ghost girl.
„Not because of the original reason, all of it slowly faded to light grief. Humanity has gone to the dogs, wars, torture. I may have stopped crying over the years, but I have always found new reasons to suffer. Happiness is simply ignorance of pain. I don't talk much, the other ghosts avoid me, just like most students. But if only they knew that I know all the secrets of this castle. They just don't bother to ask. You're the first person to ask me something in centuries. I certainly did not deserve the knowledge I once stole. But I think you do deserve it.", the ghost lady said, staring at her shoes.
„What's your name?", Nagini asked, and her heart was moved by a wave of pity for this girl.
„Helena Ravenclaw"
„Isn't it lonely, here, all alone for eternity?"
She nodded, tears in her eyes.
„But I've got a friend now. Good luck, Nagini.", Helena Ravenclaw told her and pointed at the sink in front of her.

Nagini stared at the sink for a few seconds, until the ghost lady whispered: „You've got to talk to it, parsel. And cover your eyes. Don't look at it"

Nagini nodded, wrapped the scarf she had been wearing recently around her eyes and transformed. She knew that today would not be the day, but she thanked Helena for showing her the way, helping her find what she wanted.

She slid into the chamber, waiting for the slide to finally end, but the darkness around her was calming. Finally, she reached a room. She somehow could sense another being around her, as she transformed back. She felt it in the air, she recognized the smell. But unlike most people, she was not afraid of the basilisk.

„You've got anything to eat, ma'am?", it asked. Nagini was pretty sure he only was nice to her because she was a snake and spoke his language.
„Sorry, but no...."
„Oh, that's sad. I haven't eaten anything in the last few centuries except maybe rats. But they're not real food, you know.", the basilisk spoke with a deep but calming voice and added:
„You don't look healthy, not even for a snake. What's your problem? Can I help? Should I kill that boy for you? Trust me, I'm here for my fellow snakes."
Nagini could not resist but smiling.
„The problem is, I don't want him to die", she whispered and suddenly, the tears were falling again.

„Tell me. A problem shared is a problem halved"

She could not help but laugh. She was talking about her relationship issues with a basilisk, while she was crying in a secret chamber in a girl's bathroom. She wondered how long it would take Credence until he noticed that she was missing.

„Credence will die and there is nothing I can do about it"
„That's what humans do best - dying.", the basilisk commented.
„No, I mean.... A violent death. He's going to get killed and.... Every time I see his face, I think about what I know. I see him dead and of course, he can't understand... I don't want him to know, but it's... It's tearing me apart."

Tears were dripping onto her dress and she hated it. All she had wanted was to be happy, but all it had gotten her was pain. Pain, pain and pain. Pain and a part of her soul was the cost.

„Humans often categorize others, mostly in good or bad, which is stupid, but anyway. There are two reasons why people often do things that are considered 'bad' or 'evil'. One of them, the best example is the good old Slytherin, has a vision of a way how he wants to change things and does these things. The other kind.... Loved too much and suffered too much. But love is usually something good. Take that pain you've got and fight with it, for good. Don't be like these other people before you. Maybe you can save him. You won't believe me, but sometimes, the future can be changed."

Nagini was thinking about these words.

„How do you know all of this?"
„I had a lot of time thinking about humanity.. now leave my chamber, before anyone finds me here being nice."

„Wait. Doesn't it feel lonely, being a snake, all alone?", she asked, thinking about her future all alone as a snake.
„Believe me, solitude is not always a bad thing. Sometimes it gives you strength. You'll be strong."

Nagini smiled and turned again, sliding out of the chamber and back into the light, but she really felt a little stronger now.

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