Chapter 1: A samurai, me?! The Birth of Cure Ninja!🌸

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Walking with a firm composture, one objective came to mind, "Today is the day... I will talk to the smart girl in my class, and finally get help on my homework!" I stopped to look around. I had just left the lockers and headed to the classroom that I knew she was in.

Taking a deep breath, just about to turn the doorknob I heard someone calling me. "Hisako!" It was Midori. I made a face. =3= "So close, yet so far... " I mumbled. Looking at the doorknob and my friend, I decided to abandon my opportunity and followed after her.

Midori is quite the slender girl who loves to play on the futbol team. Everyone admires her, but she couldn't care less. (She's always following me.) Did I mention she is in fact:


"Did you hear Hisako? I just made the basketball team! I don't know how I'll handle two sports, but I won't fail!" "So do you plan to join anything?"
"Well I planned to join....."

"Oh, I'm hoping you'll join a club soon!" She interrupted. As she continued to chatter I caught sight of a certain purple headed girl scrambling for her fallen papers, notebooks, and folders. "Where is it? I'm sure I had it. If I hadn't bumped into that girl... " I ran over to help her.

"Hisako? Where are you going? Did you even hear me?" Ignoring Midori I fell to my knees and helped the girl search for her paper. "What did it look like?" I asked. "It was a purple silk paper with a bunch of cat drawings..." She said. I looked around her stuff and came across a sleek pocket folder set.

Opening it I saw a massive display of artwork. One that caught my attention was an artwork on two silky black cats who were sleeping and cuddling together. "Wow... This drawing is amazing!" I blurted out. The girl immediately turned bright red.
"PlEaSe GiVe iT BAcK!" She snatched the folder from my hands and held it to her chest.

"....Thank you for finding it... " she murmured before standing up. "I... don't like people seeing my artwork, sorry..." She picked up her things and ran off. I stood dumbfounded. All I did was complement her art work?

"Hisako! What were you thinking? You know how Miwa-san is like... "
"I know Midori, but I still wanted to help..." Getting up I dusted myself off and followed Midori. "That girl is known to be very shy, so shy she can't even look up at someone without blushing. Some people say she is one of the smartest girls in the grade." Midori blabbered on. "Moe Miwa is her name... I think? Eh, who knows..."

Shrugging she continued to blabber on while my conscious self thought why did I pick her over my homework help?

Meanwhile in another dimension....

A shadow darted by....

"If you think you'll win then your certainly wrong, the Samurai Precures will truely save us!'' It yelled before coming to view. It was a young girl no older then thirteen holding onto a little fairy and a large book. she had dark black hair and light purple eyes that sparkled with determination.

''My, my you pesky rat, you are quite the handful. Leading me on a goose chase this entire time, well know its time to end your so called life and take that book of yours our master desires....'' A voice called out. The girl clutched the fairy and the book even harder. ''Never! For I Sora will protect it with my life!'' ''Well have it your way then...'' A large waterfall appeared engulfing Sora, the fairy, and the book.

Sora struggled to keep her head up as she was slowly losing consciousness. Giggling laughter could be heard overhead. Sora knew it was a matter of time before everything would be lost. She used her remaining strength to grab the fairy and the book. ''Bushi, can you hear me...?''

She called out as she lifted the fairy out of the water. ''Yes, my lady-shi?'' Bushi called out, lifting his head. ''Listen carefully, I need you to take that book and find the legendary Samurai Precures, they are the only ones left that can save our world....''

Samurai ファイター Precure #1Where stories live. Discover now