Chapter 14: The sacred book is enchanted?! The missing cure!?!?

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Special collab with Elektra1646Precure fanseries!


''What is with you?'' Yumie asked as she walked beside Moe.

''Something's up, I can tell...'' Yumie said as she leaned close to Moe. ''A crush I see?'' Yumie said her eyes looking at Moe with intense interest.

''Noooo.....'' Moe blushed.

Yumie sighed. ''I knew it, your face tells a thousand words.....''

''I thought it was - a action is worth a thousand words.....?''Moe managed to say.

''Well I have a friend who is an expert at these types of things....'' She turned around and continued walking.

''Would you like to meet her...??'' Yumie asked.

''O...k..I will...'' Moe said.
''HEYO!!'' She waved at Moe. Moe knew immediately who she was.

''Moe-chan meet Elektra-chan....'' Yumie told her as Elektra waved on......

''EHHHH?!'' Moe looked from Yumie to Elektra and back at Yumie again.

''What's wrong Moe-chan?'' Yumie looked at her with her clouded eyes. ''I recently became friends with Elektra and she is very supportive and sweet to others....'' Yumie said as she plastered a fake smile.

''OOOh we met before! We are actually both----

''IM SO HAPPY TO SEE YOU ELEKTRA!!'' Moe interjected before she could say anything.

''Well...'' Yumie clapped her hands and turned eto Elektra.
''I leave her in your care!'' Yumie dashed off. Moe couldn't believe what was happening and Elektra waved on and looked at her with upmost kindness.

''We will have that boy like you in no time!!'' Elektra pumped her fist and Moe only looked on in confusion and wonder.

Yumie ran until she reached the woods. Taking off her backpack she looked around her and tried to spot anyone, she cleared her throat until she was certain no one was there she left her backpack behind and walked ahead.

''If I want to seperate those cures like my masters require me too, I will have to use some special tactics.....'' She rubbed her temples. ''Esepcially the fact they received a new power up so early......''

Suddenly she heard the bushses behind her begin to rattle and move, turning around she turned to face.....

''I knew something was up, with the way you were acting these last few days...'' Runa folded her arms.

''HEY, YOU LEFT ME BEHIND!!'' Ai shouted as she ran through the bushes, her short hair swinging as she ran. ''Why are we even her Runa-chi!''

Her face collided in a nearby bush. ''Ew!! I swallowed some leaves!!!'' Ai pouted and looked from Runa to Yumie in confusion.

''Uhhh..'' Ai said as sweat fell.

''So tell us Yumie, or should I say the demon possesing her body??'' Runa said in a stern tone as she approached a surprised Yumie.
''So is that him?'' Elektra said as she looked at the large crowd of fangirls surrounding Yori. Moe nodded and blushed. Elektra looked at him and her eyes widened.

''OOOh, he sure is good looking!'' Elektra elbowed Moe.

''Stop it!'' Moe covered her ears and turned even more red.

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